• The next day.......

    Rebeca never slept that night,she spent the intire time crying in the dark,stareing at the window where her beloved mother had left her used to be pure blood.Rebeca stopped crying and headed over to the kitchen.She looked out the small window at the dilapidated home's.She glanced over at her's and the infected were crawling on it and bashing the windows.She got a tray and filled it with the uasully slob the people here uasully ate.It was brownish greenish soup that was difficult to digest.She got a spoon and forced herself to swallow the gross crap.Halfway down her throat and she puked it up onto her tray,causing it to spread onto the floor.Suddenly she heard nails being scratched on the nearby cuboard.Something popped out spitting on Rebeca causing her to see only a blur.She fell to the floor barely breathing while the creature made it's way to the other people.The blur went away from her eyes and she could see perfectly.This creature wasn't one of the infected...no it was much worse.6..7 arms?Shetried to move but found it painful to do so.She couldn't scream for help with the thought of the creature comeing back for her and she couldn't scream,,she was paralyzed.