• Stading there was a young girl, probably about 9 years old. Much too young to be in the 6th grade. All the same, she looked calm and confident, with chin length hair like snow in an interrupted field, and shocking streaks of violet near her face. It was obvious she was foriegn, (sp?) yet impossible to tell from where. In a soft, enchanting voice, she nearly whispered,

    "My name is Zel Everdream. The principal told me that I was to be in your homeroom class, and gave me a schedule. Which desk shall be mine?"
    Speechlessly, Ms. Feather directed Zel to an empty desk inthe back... right next to me.

    Well, it turned out that Weird-Hair was placed in all the vector classes, and we had the same lunch period. We were supposed to have gym, last period, together, but she never showed. Finally, out of pure suspicion and pity, I approached table 6 (population: 1) during lunch.

    "Um, hey, Zel. I'm Ronnie. I just wanted to know, uh, DO YOU, LIKE, HAVE A PROBLEM OR SOMETHING? I MEAN, COULD YOU AT LEAST JUST TRY TO BE NORMAL?" I demanded. Oops, that had definetely come out wrong. All she did was stare at me, terrified, and uttered the words

    "I'm not from here."
    The rest is unknown, for it is all a blur to me now.