• Hana."
    "Yes but this feelings aren't from this morning...why didn't you tell me?"
    "Because it was stupid.My feelings didn't matter.What mattered was you turning into a demon,which apearently that is no more." Said Hisana as she hugged him.
    "No,it wasn't stupid.Hisana...you're the biggest thing in my hallow heart."
    "Plus,we were too different.You're a demon...I'm a weak human."
    "Then...do you want to join me as well,Hana?"
    "What do you mean...become a demon?"
    "But what difference does it make?In the end you are already engaged to marriage with Hana."
    "Yes,but I am engaged to her in marriage by profecies...if you become as powerful as her..."
    "What?! I marry you?"
    "Zero...you are offering me the power to become a demon as well."
    "Yes,so what do you say?" Hisana stayed quiet as she tought of a decision.
    "Zero...my feelings for you are too strong...yes...I do."
    "Very well." Zero took off her jacket and unhooked three buttons from the top of her shirt (It didn't show anything,for those who tought wrong...pervs!). He then bit the tip of his finger and it began to bleed.He drew with his blood a cross mark on Hisana's chest. "(I won't take your heart,Hisana.It's the only thing that makes you pure.)" He then buttoned up her shirt back in place.
    "Is that it?"
    "I don't know.It's the first time I've done this.I actually did it instinctively." Zero looked at her. "Try stretching out your fangs."
    Hisana opened her mouth and Zero saw some fangs slowly stretching out.
    "It worked."
    "So...I'm a demon?"
    "...yes,it's not noticeable because you're a powerless demon.All you need is training and orientation." Zero got close to her and kissed her.Hisana wrapped her arms around her. "I knew I loved you...I just wasn't sure." Whispered Zero.Hisana blushed but then pushed him slowly. "No...you're engaged to marriage." Said Hisana looking the other way.
    "You're right." Zero said flatly.Hisana was about to insult him back but she fainted and fell on him.Zero caught her in his arm.
    "(Hmm...you're stamina must've drained...no...your energies are being replaced with a demonic aura...interesting reaction...)" Hisana then became concious but fell asleep.Zero knew she wouldn't wake up soon so he grab his and her stuff and left the school.He made sure he left a note to the profesor.He also left a note to Hana telling her to return to the underworld.

    He was walking to his car in the parking lot.He pressed the "unlock" key in his beeper and opened the door to his car.He putted Hisana in the front seat and buckled her in.He sat next to her and drove off.He went to his house.When he got there,he turned off the engine and carried her inside.He left her in Mei's bed and went downstairs to prepare supper.It was 1:46 pm when he had begun and he finished by 2:30 pm.He walked up the stairs to Mei's room to check on Hisana and give her some tea.When he opened the door the room was empty. "Hmm...I can smell her blood but I can't find her." He went to his room and saw her lying in his bed.He putted his hand over her eyes. "Hisana...awaken!" Hisana slowly opened her eyes.
    "It seems you got used to being a powerful demon." Said Hisana.
    "Here,drink this." Zero gave Hisana the tea cup.Hisana sat up and drank some.
    "I just finished cooking.After eating we will be going to the underworld."
    "To the underworld?Why?" Asked Hisana a s she took a sip from her cup.
    "I'm want to see how strong you are now;How strong you are after some training and I also want to check how strong am I actually."
    "Hmm...Zero,you sound wise.Do you know what you're doing?"
    "Not really.For some weird reason,I suddenly know everything there is to know about demons,spirits,and the underworld."
    "Nice...so what did you prepared,Zero?"
    "Your favorite...salted salmon marinated with lemon;Green ceasar salad with a hinch of vinegar and some bread."
    "...wow...how did you know exactly what I like?"
    "...do I really have to asnwer that?"
    "No..." Mumbled Hisana. "Let's go!I'm staaaarving!!!" Hisana ran downstairs.
    "It seems that the demonic aura has completely filled her body."

    Zero fallowed her downstairs.He had already served the food so it wasn't that surprising to find Hisana gobbling up he food.She ate his and her portion.
    "Amazing...you ate a ration big enough for two people..." Said Zero.
    "Yeah and I'm still starve...Do you have anymore?"
    "...well no but I can cook some more."
    "Oh no,don't worry."
    "It's okay.I actually enjoy cooking.It's a good time to rethink stuff and analyze."
    "So...what do you think about,Zero?"
    "...well to be honest...you."
    "..." Hisana felt happy but then she realized that he hadn't cooked in a long time.XD
    "Well,I'll be right back." Zero went into the kitchen.He came out a few minutes later. "Well the salmon is marinating."
    "Um...Zero...can we go to the underworld now,please?"
    "But aren't you going to wait for the salmon?"
    "No..." Zero grabbed her by the hand and closed his eyes.He tought of the underworld and when he opened his eyes,he was there.

    "Zero..." He turned around just to see Hana in her normal physical. "What are you doing here?"
    "I-I'm here to...um...do some business."
    "...there's no need to hesitate.You are the ruler of the underworld." Zero stayed silence.Hana saw Hisana peek out from behind him. "Who is this,Hisana?"
    "Oh,hi,Hana" Said Hisana.
    "Zero,why is she here?"
    "I...I made her a demon...So I want to see how strong she is...and how strong am I?" Said Zero.
    "She...I don't know but you...not even all the demons together cna defeat you." Replied Hana.
    "Then if that's so true...prove it."
    "Fine!" Hana's eyes truned glowing white.Black ghost like creatures arised from the depths of the underworld.All of the creatures shooted themself to Zero.Zero's eyes turned white as well.He pushed his hand forwards and all of those creatures got burned.Hisana was impressed.
    "(I want to become as strong as Zero.)" Hisana sneaked away from the scene to find some battle.Zero was so caught up in his battle with Hana that he didn't noticed but Hana did.Still,she didn't tell him anything.

    Hisana saw a plaza down the black path.A dark plaza.She saw the same ghostlike creatures that attacked Zero,roaming around it.She saw in the center of the plaza a bathhouse. "(Hmm...a bathhouse...)"
    Hisana crossed the bridge that was a croos a black river.When she was in the center of the bridge,she looked down and gaped at the black water.Suddenly a black hawk with a red colored head was flying really fast towards her.It was going to attack her but a young boy,probably her same age,pushed her from it's way.
    "Take cover!" Hisana bent down in her knees and he covered her with his body.The hawk didn't see Hisana so it flew away. "There,it's gone.Are you alright?" He asked.
    "Y-Yes.What was it?"
    "Are you new here?"
    "That's probably it.That hawk is a guardian.It's job is to eliminate every demon woh hasn't register in Kyokai." Said the boy.
    "W-Who are you?"
    "My name is Haku."
    "Haku...thank you for saving me,Haku.I'm Hisana."
    "Hisana,are you a resent demon?"
    "Then it's dangerous for you to be around here.Swallow this.It oughta protect you." Haku gave Hisana a red pill.
    "What is it?" It will disguise your human scent for a while."
    "But I am no longer human."
    "Yes you are.The only difference is that instead of energy,you have a demonic aura.That makes you seem like a demon but you are still not one."
    "What is your job in the underworld,Haku?"
    "Me?I make sure no criminal demon escapes from Yokai prison."
    "...cool.I wish I could have a job like that."
    "You can but not yet." Haku stood up. "Where were you heading,Hisana?"
    "I was going to that bathhouse."
    "I wanted to check how strong I am now so I tought I could find someone there."
    "Wrong thing to do.Most of the demons and spirits who attend there are profesional human hunters.If you had entered there with your human scent you could've been slayed." Hisana got scared.
    "So where can I train?"
    "You can't go anywere public.Let's go to the shinigami realm.It's quiet and empty there.I'll train with you."
    "Thank you very much,Haku." Hisana stood up and fallowed Haku.Eventually,they were standing upon a big gate with a unknown emblem in the center.
    "Hisana,you must hold your breath as you go trough this gate." Hisana took a deep breath and kept it.She began to walk trough the gate.When she past the portal she let go of her air.

    * * *

    Zero was battling Hana.He noticed silence.When he looked back,Hisana wasn't there anymore.
    "Wait,stop." He told Hana. "Where's Hisana?"
    "She ran off somewhere now let's get back to fighting each other and forget about her."
    "I can't just forget about her,she knows nothing about this place.She could be getting killed right now...her scent...her human scent! Oh,no,no,no! She's probably being devoured by a demon right now."
    "Oh,Zero,calm down."Hana got closed to him and hugged him. "She's probably down at the plaza enjoying herself.Now please,pay attention to your fiancee."
    "No,Hana!" He pushed her away. "I have to go find her." Zero then ran off.

    "You're not getting away from me,Zero." She said to herself.Her eyes turned white and she looked down at a puddle of black water.It showed Hisana and Haku training.
    "The shinigami realm,huh? Heh! poor Zero." She grabbed a black rose and squashed it in her hand.A red sparkle poured down and fell in the puddle which showed Haku. "Good luck...my love."

    * * *

    Hisana and Haku were battling each other.
    "Hmmm.For a recent demon,you're pretty powerful." Said Haku as he dodge on of her attacks.
    "Thanks.You're pretty good too." Hisana jumped at him but he dodge her.Haku suddenly gapes at Hisana.
    "Hisana!" Hisana stopped.
    "What is it?"
    "...nevermind.Forget it." Haku then stopped. "Please wait here.I have to go somewere.I'll be back." Haku then vanished.Hisana was confused but she stayed there to wait.

    Haku was soaring trough the black and red trees.Three seconds later and he was kneeling infront of Hana.
    "Yes,my master?"
    "It seems you know Hisana."
    "H-Hisana?" He looked up.
    "Yes,the one you were training with."
    "Oh,she's new here so I tought I'd help her."
    "So let me get this straight." Hana extended her arm and the hawk that was going to attack Hisana earlier landed there. "First,you prevent a guardian from it's job.Then you hide the presence of an unregistered demon and then you offer her training?"
    "Forgive me,my master..." Said Haku as he looked down again.
    "I should punish you but...I won't.You see,Hisana is the most precious person to my beloved fiancee,Kiryuu Zero,and he would hate me if he knew I harmed her.And besides...you're my son and I as a mother would never punish you for that."
    "My master,may I know for what reason did you summon me?"
    "I want you to hide Hisana from Zero temporarly.Do not question why just do it."
    "Kiryuu-kun is here?Isn't he a human?"
    "I said do not question.Just do.Now leave my presence,child,I have many things to do."
    "Yes,master." Haku vanished.

    * * *

    Zero was around the plaza looking for Hisana. "(Her human scent is fading...were did she go?)" He wondered.His eyes turned white and all the demons faced him.The eyes of all of then also turned white.
    "Watashi meirei anata ni sagasu ningen nioi!*" (I command you to seek human scent!*) All of the demons vanished.

    Hisana was alone in the Shinigami realm when Haku came back.
    "Hisana...there's something I must confess."
    "What is it,Haku? Don't tell me you were going easy on me." She said with a smile.
    "No,it's not that." Hisana smiled. "We have to find Zero Kiryuu."
    "Zero?How do you know Zero?"
    "My master...um...my mother is Hanamichi a.k.a. Hana and she orderes me to keep you away from Zero but I think that's wrong."
    "H-Hana is your mother?"
    "Well...actually...I don't know.My memories begin with her.I do not know my path.I do not know if I was human.I do not know if I'm demon but...Hana is an evil person.She caught me under her spell and now I can't remember anything.You must go.You're in grave danger.She desires to kill you."
    "Kill me?Why?"
    "Because you're the only thing standing between her and Zero." Haku grabbed Hisana and picked her up then he jumped. "Hold your breath." They past the portal and just then,many demons sprounded them.
    "Stay back!" Haku swayed his hands very quickly.Hisana wanted to join even tought she was rather weak.She also swayed her hands executing various handmoves.All the demons got burned.
    "What's this whole ruckuss?!" Zero came from behind them. "H-Hisana?" Zero ran to her.
    "There you are!" Said Zero.
    "This is Haku."
    "Haku?I do not know such person."
    "Haku is under Hana's spell.Hana erased all of his memories for some unknown purpose and she proclaims herself as his mother but he does not know if he's demon or human."
    "What are you talking about?"
    "You must leave now and never come back." Said Haku to Zero.
    "Hanamichi-sama ordered me to prevent you finding Hisana-sama.She want to kill Hisana in order to get to you."
    "No she doesn't."
    "Yes,she does." Insisted Haku.
    Zero couldn't believe what Hana was capable of.
    "What do I do?" Zero asked. "Let's leave.Let's go to the human dimension and continue our lifes." He suggested.
    "I can't." Said Hisana.
    "Why?" Asked Zero.
    "What about Haku?Hana probably already knows what we're doing so if we leave him behind...Hana will probably...um...do something bad to him."
    "It's fine,Hisana.Hanamichi-sama won't kill me.I'm her child and she promised to never scold me no matter what." Said Haku.
    "But will I ever see you again?" Asked Hisana.
    "Probably...truth is...I've known you your whole life..."
    "Thank you for saving me...Haku." Haku smiled.
    Zero grabbed her and vanished with this last words. "Thank you...Haku".

    Haku then returned to were Hana was before.He saw no one but he could hear her voice.
    "Haky,my child,what have you done?Did you disobey your mother?"
    "You're not my mother.Why wont you tell me my past."
    "What you don't know won't hurt you." Hana apeared from behind him and licked his neck. "It's been quite long since I've tasted amberlife...do you have amberlife,Haku?"
    "I don not know,master.I do not reckon being human."
    "Do you want to find out?"
    "Very well." Hisana stretched her fangs out and bit Haku in the neck. "Hmm..." She stopped. "You're human,Haku." Haku gasped. "(Human?)"
    "No...not just any human.Your blood has the power to turn demons back into humans...interesting..."
    Haku was shocked yet he didn't show many facial expresion.
    "My master,I ask you with all due respect to please grant me acces to the human world."
    "The human world? Why?"
    "...actually,you were always able to go there...I just forgot to tell you." Hana smiled.
    "I shall be leaving then."
    "Very well.Oh,Haku...on your way...please kill Hisana Kuchiki for old times sake,please."
    "Yes,my master." Haku then vanished.When he was out of her presence,a demon dog aproached her.
    "Be a loyal dog and make sure he kills her.If he does not kill her,you kill him." The dog then ran off.
    "Let's see what choice you make now,my child." She told herself. "As for me...I'll be waiting for you to come here,Zero...you will come."

    "Zero...I...I don't know what to say..." Hisana and Zero were back in the human dimension.
    "You don't have to say anything,Hisana." Hisana sensed the presence of a demonic aura.
    "Wait here,Zero." She then ran off the house leaving Zero completely blank.She ran down the street.Acroos the the market and the water fountain to the park.In some bank she saw Haku with a different clothing.In the underworld her wore a black robe with white lines on it and he was now wearing some classy jeans a nd a nice polo.
    "H-Haku?" Haku looked up.
    "Hisana!...I'm a human."
    "You are?"
    "Yes...but I have the power to turn demons back to humans."
    "You can?"
    "Oh,Zeroo needs you.Please come." They ran back to the house.When they got there,Zero was amazed at the sight of Haku.
    "Zero,Haku has the power to..." Zero gasped.
    "...I have some unfinished business" Zero then collapsed.He went to the underworld.
    "Zero,wait!" It was to late.Hisana then collapsed.
    "Hisana,no!" She was already gone.

    * * *
    "Hana! Hana! Where are you?!" Zero looked around for Hana.
    "Zero,you've finally come back to me." Hana ran to hug him.Zero pushed her.
    "Stay away from me!"
    "W-What's wrong,sweetie?"
    "You were going to kill Hisana?"
    "Do not blame him!How dare you?" Zero ran to attack her.He had so much anger,that gave him power.He was incredibly fast.Hana could barely dodge him.Her eyes turned white and the tip of her fingers did so as well.She spin around once and focused the energy on her fingers then she striked on Zero's nervous points. "Hah,missed me!" Zero gave a jump and landed behind her and striked her vital points.
    "Zero,you know this is pointless...we're neither dead nor alive."
    "Yes,but I want to see you crushed on the floor." Zero then pushed his hands forward and a huge wave of demonic aura arrased Hana.Hana summoned three demon dogs.They all charged at Zero at the same time.Zero destroyed them all easily.
    "What's the point?You're more powerful then me.Just hit me with your best shot and so will I." Hana summoned all evil spirit the cross on her chest glowed.All of those spirits shooted themself to her cross mark.Her eyes turned red.Her hair turned white (it was black).

    Zero focused all of his energy on his fist. "(All I need is but just one blow.One...for Hisana.)" Once all of his energy was strongly focused,Zero took a huge jump in the air and shooted himself to Hana.Have way trough and Hisana apears infront of Hana covering her.
    "Hisana,NO!!!" Haku jumped at her and pushed her out of the way.Zero striked Hana and Hana's body got burned but her demon soul vanished.Zero used up all of his energy so he lied on the floor.

    Meanwhile,Hisana was lying untop of Haku was unconcious after saveing her from Zero's attack.
    "Haku! Haku!"
    "Hun...um...uh" Haku was becoming concious.
    "Lat me help you." Hisana putted her hand over his forhead and focused her little energy on it.Her eyes turned white and she looked down at Haku's forgotten memories.Haku opened his eyes and saw Hisana crying over him.
    "W-What's wrong?A-Are you okay,Hisana?"
    "Haku...it's your past..."
    "What about it?" Haku tried to sit up but he was badly injured.
    "Don't strain yourself,Haku."
    "Yeah...what about my past?"
    "I looked into your memories..."
    "And?What did you see?"
    "Your real name is Kohaku.When you were a child,you fell into a river and drowned.You were human but then you died.Hana found your soul forgotten,wondering around the human dimension so she took you in."
    "...r-really?...that means I'm...that means I'm free from her spell." Haku's body began to glow white.
    "Heaven...that place I've always wanted to meet...heaven...Thank you,Hisana."
    "Haku...your body it's burning..."
    "Don't worry...I feel free now.I'm going to heaven thanks to you." Hisana began to cry of happiness.
    "Don't cry,Hisana...oh,before I go...something you must know...I...love you.You were the only friend I've ever had...amen." Haku's body then turned to a glitery dust.Hisana's tears fell on the dust revealing a necklace with a beautiful blue diamond and a small glass bottle with blood inside.
    "For you..." Whispered the wind.Next to her she saw a black rose.
    "Ah! Zero!" Hisana ran back to were the battle had ocured.Zero was lying on the floor. "Zero!"
    "Zero...don't die,please." Hisana hugged him.Her tears fell on his cheeks.
    "Hey,I'm not going to die...I'm just tired...that's all."
    "Look...you're crying...that's good...I love you,Hisana.I love you.I love you and that's it."
    "Yes...cry...please cry.You need to cry." Hisana cried even harder but not for him...because she did need it.
    "Um...Zero...Haku left something for you." Hisana gave him the glass bottle.
    "Haku?Where's Haku?" He took the glass bottle.
    "He's taking care of some unfinished business as well." She cried.
    "What am I supose to do with a glass bottle filled with blood?"
    "That's his blood...he has the power to turn demons back to humans."
    "...he...he does?"
    "You drink some first.I can't risk leaving you behind." Hisana took a small sip then she handed it back to Zero.Zero took another sip and then they both collapsed.

    Hisana opened her eyes and saw a roof fan.
    "W-Were am I?" She looked next to her and saw Zero asleep. "We're back in the human world."
    "Hmm..." Zero woked up. "What happened?"
    "Zero...stretch out your fangs." Zero opened his mouth but there were no fangs. "We're human again."
    Hisana hugged Zero and so did he.
    "Now there's only one thing left to do..." Said Zero.
    "What's that?"
    "Will you be my girlfriend?" Hisana jumped at him and kissed him.
    "Yes...I will."
    "Um...it's early.We have to go to school."
    "But we just came out of a terrible battle.Can't we stay here?" Whined Hisana.
    "Nope.We've been out cold for three days straight."
    "Three days?!"
    "What,you tought the underworld was just a fast food?When in the underworld,time flies here."
    "OH My God! We have to go."

    * * *

    The bell rang,class was going to begin.Mishiro entered the classroom just to find Zero and Hisana kissing and cuddling back in there seats.Mishiro wanted to die of envy.Hio came up behind her and saw them as well. "Damn you,Kuchiki-chan!!" She whispered.