• Chapter 2
    Zak gave me five miniates of quiet before he bugged me agian." Ok so we are going to move them into the lower pasture in three and a half hours. Correct?" Is riding with any one besides Zak to much to ask for ? " Well we better cause I have school and so do you." he grunted " Don't remind me." I smiled. Jerk not want to go to school? Poor baby. " Well I am cause this is my first day at this school and I don't want to be late!" Zak sped his filly up so her stride is matching Rugar's. " Oh yeah. You're going to that school where all the weird kids go." He grinned a stupid grin. And I glared at him a** hole. "We aren't weird! We just aren't human you jerk!" He smiled "I'm sorry sweet heart I didn't mean it." I growled an inhuman sound that spooked his filly " Do not call me that." My eyes began to turn red, they do that when I'm thirsty, mad or when some one scarred me. Zak glared at me " I was just pulling your leg. Calm down Fayla." Finnally some emotion!! And he isn't calling me sweet heart! This day might brighten up for me! " I don't care! You know it pisses me off when you call me that you a**!" His filly reared oboviously not use to angry vampires. What's wrong with her right? " Fine fine I'm sorry." He calmed his horse down and grinned at me. I flipped him off then I spotted the cattle. " Come on zak. Those cattle have our names on them!"