• One day the invisible man in a fluorescent suit is knocking at your door, when you open it, all you see is a flash, and then your there, you have achieved your goal, SHPONGLELAND! Once there you can create anything you want. Anything! Then a three headed Bolivian moose cow greets you and says, “eman ruoy si tahw ,ecnetniauqca ruoy ekam ot desaelp ma i olleh.” Suddenly an army of rabbits riding loins eating mushrooms with nukes come for battle and while they put on their Coca Cola armor they all shout, “GET READY CARROTS! THE RABBITS ARE COMING IT IS THE HOLOCAUST, MAKE STEW FROM THE RABBITS!” Everything is wrong, which makes it all right!
    The rabbits come into battle riding bear backed Filipino ducks and carry automated moose missiles. They fire the missiles; “FWOOOSSSSHHHHH!” goes the missiles. Then zombies come and we all hide in the place where we would always be safe from them........ The vegetarian market!!!!!!!!!! Suddenly Hitler comes back to life and kills almost everyone, so the rabbits and the carrots team up, and stand up to the zombie/ Hitler army and millions of rabbits are in front. Doubled up behind them, but they are carrots and in the very front is Shpongle himself!
    The invisible man in a fluorescent suit! He sings the battle cry, “WALALALALALALALMEEEEOOOOOWWWWWWWWWYES!” Then the zombies start to dance to Thriller because we have Michael Jackson on our side and he comes out and sings. The enemy zombies dance to thriller, so we go to their zombie queen, Queen Sebastian, and feed her a penguin and since she is allergic to penguins, she explodes in a multi taco explosion. The tacos say, “Fweep,” as they fall and crumble on the ground.
    Then all the zombies drop to their knees and scream, “OOOOOONNNNNN!!!!!” and they all turn to toilet paper. Right after that the vampires come and try to kill us or turn us into their own army but we fight back with ash cannons, “KA-BOOM!” goes the first cannon. It slammes 50 of them and they all exploded into rainbow and glittery ash! Then all the sparkly ones start to dance and sing the Yes Dance! We all start to fall for the gayness, and we all start to cry our brains out of our fingernails, he saves us, the taco guy. He comes out with forks, millions of forks! He hands one out to everyone on the good side and flies over to the giant switch in the sky and yells "LET"S DO THE FORK IN THE GARBAGE DISPOSAL!" He flips on the switch and all the good guys start spinning in the vortex. All you can here is " ding ding ding ding ding ding!" and the evil side all turn into something evil more evil than the devil himself…..RONALD MCDONALD! Ronald throws Big Macs to everyone on the good side, fattens them up so they can't move and commands his hamburger minions to steal all the fat boys, and girls. Then the Powder-puff Girls fly into battle and use their super strength and laser vision to help us but as soon as the battle starts to cool down, everyone starts to dance the caramel dancing dance. As we dance a giant penguin forms and explodes in a shower of skittles, feathers, sparkles, ribbons, kittens, bubbles and rainbows!
    The penguin is the one and only, Mexican drive through worker who messes up orders, his name is PABLEO; he then takes the bad sides orders and get's all their orders down, and purposely mixes there orders all up, and when they bite into it they all lost their big toes.Sudenly a purple paint cloud appears and from it rains all the big toes of the bad. Every good person wears them as a necklace, and cries their battle cry! As they fought, another army of fat, flying cats and chuhuhas on My Little Ponies crashed through the vampire/Hitler/RMD army. They form with the good guys and the man in the florescent suit, Shpongle, summons up all of the power of Shpongleland and its protectors’. He takes it in and in, within himself and fires it back at the evil army. But some of them manage to dodge it and as they fire back it almost hits but Cheshire and Alice and her friends/foes, from American McGee’s Alice, protects them.
    So Shpongle morphs the land into a sea of ice and water. The evil army falls into the ice but the good doesn’t. Most of them die but their leaders the Hitler, Ronald McDonald, and the King of All Vampires strike back with a force so strong it nearly kills everyone on the good side. Shpongle, the Red Queen and Alice deals with the leaders while the rest of the army finishes off the evil. Sadly the Red Queen dies and Alice is at near death while Shpongle kills the leaders. So after the battle you and the army have a rave party while listening to Shpongle’s songs. Then as the rave ends Shpongle sends you back home and tells you to keep everything that happened a secret. You say ok and head into your house and fall asleep on the couch from all of the exhaustion. So if you believe in Shpongleland you might just be able to visit again.
    The End