• Hiro held the torch even closer now that she was deeper into the tunnel. Droplets of water fell upon her head. The dim glow of the torch started to fade down to barely lit. Hiro walked to the wall and blew out the flame she followed the wall with her hand. The snake still at Hiro's feet kept bumping into the wall and her legs.
    Hiro stopped and took another break. Sliding down the wall of the tunnel she sat. Hiro began to realize what she was missing out on. The outside air, her friends, and family. Tears began to roll down her cheek. Hiro wiped the tears away and stared into the snakes eyes.
    The thought of a name came about again. Many names with different meanings came into her head. With ease one name came and rose above the others, Imitsu. Hiro said the name aloud and Imitsu flicked its tongue in and out. She knew the name was meant for him
    Hiro stood up and again lit the torch. Imitsu and her began to walk down the tunnel.
    The rocky floor made Hiro's feet ache but she didnt care, as long as she was alive that was all that mattered. Imitsu stopped dead in his tracks.
    " Whats wrong Imitsu" Hiro asked
    Imitsu continued slithering its way down the tunnel, Hiro followed.
    A door was visible in the light of the flame, Hiro looked down at Imitsu. Imitsu nudged the door. Hiro slowly reached for the rusty metal handle.