• "Jinx? Jinx?" Ark shook me awake. "Ark?" I asked. I realized I had fallen asleep on the floor with a bunch of white open and closed books. My mind was all fuzzy and hazey, and I couldn't think straight. "Are you okay?" he asked me. "Tired." I said, drunkily. "Eh?" he said. "Was wrong? You never seen my unknown flaw?" I asked drunkily. "An unknown flaw. It's something that happens to unknown as a backfire from their magic. So, is yours getting drunk after you go unconciouse?" he asked, nervouse. "Yup!" I said, punching my fist in the air, than hiccuping. "I better get you off the floor." Ark mumbled. Just as he was putting his arms around my legs and waist, I wrapped my arms around his neck, making him blush intensly. I poked him in the cheek "You're so cute!" I said. "What?!" he said, almost dropping me. "You're so cute!" I said, again, rubbing my cheek against his. He lyed me down on my bed, but before he could stand up straight, I grabbed his shirt and pulled him down. "Hey!" he said, blushing as I pulled him close. "Oi! You heads not hot anymore! You not sick anymore!" I said in drunken happiness. "You took away my fever?" he asked surprised. "Yup!" I said. "Now come into bed with me!" I said. "Wh-what?!" he asked, blushing to his roots. "Come!" I said, and pulled him onto the bed. "Jinx!" he said. "I love you." I told him. He blushed. "Kiss me." I told him. "No. You're in your flaw. You probably don't mean what you’re saying.” he said. “Don’t I?” I asked. “No, you don’t.” he said sternly. “Come here.” I said. “I’m already here! I’m right on top of you!” he said. I quickly pulled his head down, and kissed him right on the lips. “J-Jinx?!” he said, surprised. I lyed down and closed my eyes. “Goodnight.” I said. “Oh, and I’m gunna remember everything when I wake up!” I said. “What?! Huh!? Wait! Don’t fall asleep! Jinx?!” Ark yelled. Then I fell asleep, and my mind became much less....drunk.

    Next, Magic Melody 19