• Eternal sleep, darkened like midnight skies,
    So long and numbing it had gotten,
    Dulling dreams, thinning memories, leaving nothing,
    Only drafty rooms empty and void,
    The only companion, the only tangible comfort,
    Through these rooms, an echo,
    Stripping away the sleep ever so slowly,
    Tempting eyes to taste the day,
    A voice dances along the edges,
    Tinkling like crystal in the sunlight,
    Ringing like soft bells peeling through an empty church,
    Can it be getting near? Its echo seems to be falling away.
    And suddenly, those rooms begin to fill,
    The voice pierces the remaining sleep,
    Dusting off the numbness that consumed so much,
    Sunlit and teeming, a golden bask,
    Warming aches and waking tired limbs,
    Its touch sending shivers bursting through veils of sleep,
    The light lingers on every corner and paints every wall,
    The voice stills, filling the empty voids,
    The eternal sleep has left,
    In its place, the sheer warmth of sunlight,
    The sheer glow of awakened eyes.