She Loves Him
    Just as I do
    The only man who befriended me
    He loves her
    Just as I love him
    Don’t want to let him go
    Always dreaming of being with him
    Just him and I
    Together walking the streets alone
    I love him
    But he doesn’t see it
    Or rather doesn’t know it
    How can I tell him?
    When he loves her so
    I can only make him happy
    I let them meet
    They embrace
    And I try to let him go
    He thanks me
    For guiding him to her
    I cannot look him in the eye,
    or match his joyous smile
    I turn not wanting him to see me cry
    And I tell them “Goodbye”
    She loves him
    And he loves her
    I let them be to walk the streets alone