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ln this guild you are sorted into a house into either Griffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, or Slytherin.
You attend classes and try your best through out the year.
Make friends and possibly enemies if you're not carefull!

Rules and Guidlines:
-Please follow the rules of gaia, be kind to others and have fun.

-lf you want to advertise something, please post it in the notice board, any advertisement found outside the notice board will be warned.

-When you send in requests to join, put cauldron cakes at the end so i know you are actualy reading the rules.

-you MUST post at least once a week. This is so the clan stays alive and i know i'm getting dedicated little students. For each week you miss without excuse, you will be docked 20 points.


-New students must go to "the sorting hat" topic to be sorted into a house.

-When posting, students must post in the color of the house they were put in.
For example:

Ravenclaw will post in blue

Slytherin will post in green

Hufflepuff in orange (yellow is hard to see)

And Gryffindor will be red

-Students can post wherever they want unless the topic says
[staff only] then you obviously aren't allowed.

-lf you miss an assignment, a make up guide will be posted by your teacher in the class you need.
you must please make the assignment up or you will be docked points, if you have to leave for some reason then let either me or one of the teachers know so we don't take points away.
This does not excuse you from making up the work.


-You will be graded on the assignments you do, at the end of every month, the students with the highset scores (amount of points) will be selected to be the new prefect for whatever house they belong in.
There will be 2 prefects for every house, one boy, and one girl who will have the authority to take away points from students who misbehave, or award house points to students who deserve it.

-lf you are a prefect and are to give/take away points from a
student(s), see the "hourglass" topic in the Great Hall forum and post the amount of housepoints to be rewarded/taken away, the student's name, and the reason for doing so.

-Pefects also have the authority to post new temporary topics wherever they want to (even in different houses).
Remember these topics are only active until the time comes for the next prefect to be elected.

-prefects will be demoted back to student if they break any rules, you have to set a good example. This is not a punishment of course, it just means it's time to let other people be a prefect.


-Teachers have the authority to take away/give points to whatever student/house they feel deserves it.

-Teachers must also post the student/house name, the amount of points to given/taken away, and they reasons for doing so in the "hourglass" topic.

-Teachers will give new class assignments once every 2 weeks and must keep ontop of the student's grades which will be recorded in the 'Grades' topic once every month.

-At the end of every month, teachers and current prefects will attend a meeting discusing the choices for next month's prefects.

-Teachers will be responsible for moderating their house.

Now that that's done, welcome to the guild!
Hope you enjoy yourself!
headmaster weasley

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