I had one of these before but I am notoriously bad at keeping up with plot threads and also incredibly bad at actually getting RPs off the ground. I can GENERALLY be relied upon once they ARE off the ground but I'll be honest I might need a poke every now and again, so if you have AIM that is very helpful.

Generally speaking I try to avoid random meet-n-greets because I'm bad at them--I like going into a thread with a clear notion of what will get the ball rolling, at least, even if things deviate from planned afterwards. Basically, whatever happens is cool, but I need a reason for it to happen or I get stuck easily sad So if you have proposals for reasons for our characters to interact please please lay 'em on me, I want 'em.

I would really like to expand my circle of people I RP with and I'd love to help facilitate your plots in whatever way my characters can be of use! Please do not be shy and also if you have ideas feel free to just AIM me @thaumatropes, no need to post unless you want to!

Taym - Full Moon Hunter, former Death Hunter. Specializes in civilian-side rescue and defense; also does quite a bit of training/orientation work and education--so it's easy to hook him up with new people. Has fingers in a lot of pies.

Has a whole mess of pending plots and past plots related to the clone business going on (he has clones!), the FEAR candy drug shenanigans, the Sahara, etc., so if you're involved in these things he can probably help push your plot one way or another if you need that!

Some time in the near future Taym's going to be experiencing a violent shift in his life, so be aware that longterm plots might mean having to deal with his soon-to-be weirdness.

Also looking for Halloween side/Horsemen contact via the HH. He's immediately and relentlessly violent with FEAR creatures, so if you're looking for someone to sour your character against Hunters, Taym might be able to knock down that first domino for you. Or if you just need spar points. You know. Whatevs!

Catinka - A brand new, really stupid ghost. She's been at the school for a while but hasn't involved herself in much. Ran a booth with Reese; is a member of the Crafty Creeple club and is attempting to get into FEARleading with Merry's help, but she's shy and quiet so it's hard for her.

Tink is something of a natural minion, and she's gullible, easily led, and submissive for the most part (although she will stick up for her friends, if pushed sufficiently). She is terrified of Hunters, if that's useful to you as a Deus player. If your Amity character needs an underling for an adventure/misadventure of some sort, she might be a good choice. There are other ways she might be useful in facilitating your plots, too--she gets lost a lot and often stumbles into things she shouldn't.

Kallistrate is a blank slate, brand new character. I know very little about her. She's a Death Clan Guardian whose priestess died (FAILURE) and she just returned from self-imposed exile. She has an obnoxious little brother. I am trying to wrap a reunion thread with him at the moment before I move on to other things, but she's here, just in case.