● Results of the TNW:R™ Day Of Uprising Pay-Per-View

-Mikey Chi def. Finn Balor for the vacated TNW:R Extreme Rising Championship
-Paige def. Adèle Adams, Nikki Bella, AJ, Brie Bella, Sasha Banks and Charlotte to win the Womens Championship in a Over-The-Top-Rope Divas Battle Royal.
-John Cena def. Big Show in a Tables Match
-The Charismatic Archangels def. The Lucha Dragons for the TNW:R Tag Team Championships
-Roman Reigns def. Matt Allens in a Steel Cage Match.
-Jimmy Lockheart debuts in TNW:R
-Kevin Nash def. CM Punk in a No Disqualifications match.
-Seth Rollins def. Brock Lesnar, Sting, The Miz, Daniel Bryan and Triple H for the TNW:R Championship in a Elimination Chamber.


● What to expect at the next upcoming show.

-TNW:R Womens Champion Paige Promo.
-TNW:R Extreme Rising Champion Mikey Chi set to be in action.
-TNW:R Womens Champion Paige set to be in action in a non title match
against one of the opponents that was in the Divas Battle Royal at last night's PPV.
-Jimmy Havoc Promo

● What you didn't know

-Last minute changes to the JBL. vs. John Cena vs. Big Show
match, as it was changed to a tables match set for John Cena
vs. Big Show. Something urgent came up for JBL, which is why
he couldn't make it to the match.
-The Tag Team Championship match was suppose to be
changed to a Triple Threat Tag Team Match
which would of included the Charismatic Archangels,
The Lucha Dragons and the tag team of Cesaro and Tyson Kidd.
The decision was edited on TV, but if you were there live, you
would of seen this was suppose to happen.
-Matt Hardy was suppose to debut at this PPV, but
has been rescheduled.
-Kevin Nash vs. CM Punk was changed to a No DQ match at the last minute backstage.


-The Miz suffers a broken arm from the hands of Brock Lesnar in the Chamber.
-Daniel Bryan Leg Injury
-Triple H potential injury, and standing down as COO
-Sting taking time off, for possibly months.
-Mikey Chi potential affiliation change, with a possible new gimmick
-A new possible tag team forming, called the "MVA",
which consists of the tag team between Mikey Chi and Matt Allens,
regarding future storylines.