Interviewer: Wrestling fans, to the Running The Ropes wrestling podcast. Today, we are joined with the lovely Jimmy Havoc tonight to tell us about being in TNW:R and what it was like debuting for his match against Omen.

Jimmy Havoc: Thanks for having me. I'm pleased to be here.

Interview: No, no. Thank you, for coming out here. Anyways, there are some fans out there that really want to know what has happened with Jimmy Havoc. Y'know we have all this stuff going on with Seth Rollins, Roman Reigns, Triple H y'know the stars of TNW:R, but we really don't get to see 'Jimmy Havoc' come out. The fans are wondering where you've gone.

Jimmy Havoc: Yeah, well, I was actually thinking of putting why I left on my blog so that other people will know about my disappearance and such, however since we're already here and talking about it I'll just address it now. Well, the only reason why I wasn't booked in recent shows was simply because my debut match pissed a lot of people off and caused lots of anguish backstage. For some reason, people were very upset with me and Omen after our match and I felt like I wasn't really needed. Despite my win against Omen I went backstage and people were giving me these funny looks. Though I will be making my comeback soon despite what everyone says about me and my performance and hopefully I'll take TNW:R by storm and my name will be joined with those who are the 'stars' of the company.

Interviewer: About the people backstage, why do you think they look down on you?

Jimmy Havoc: Uhh, I could never really know. I like to think it's because they're probably jealous of me, but that's probably not the case. I'm not sure, but when I do know I'll get back to you on that.

Interviewer: How nervous were you when you came to TNW:R for the first time?

Jimmy Havoc: Coming from very independent wrestling companies we never really had the luxuries that TNW:R has for their wrestlers. I've worked in very small arenas compared to TNW:R, so TNW:R is a huge change compared to what I've worked with in the past and I get the occasional jitters that most of the wrestlers do before a match, but when you're in the ring you just lose all that anxiety and you just let the ring guide you, it's a cool phenomenal feeling actually.

Interviewer: What are your plans for the future?

Jimmy Havoc: I do have a wrestling school opened to anyone of all age. I even have really young talent who come in at the age of 8 and me and a couple of buddies go ahead and train them on how to wrestle and hopefully in the future I get to train more people and it becomes a big thing. My other goal for the future is to at least win a championship belt. It's my probably my biggest dream to go out there and win at least one and gain the opportunity to run miles with it.

Interviewer: Looks like our time is up. Once more, thank you for joining us Jimmy Havoc and welcome back to the ring. I can't wait to tune into TNW:R on Saturday or Tuesday to check out what you're doing.

Jimmy Havoc: Alright, thanks for having me.