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Renee Young, the beautiful reporter that had now been working for the TNWR, stood backstage with a camera rolling in front of her, and a TNWR microphone in hand.

Renee Young: Ladies and Gentlemen, I'm going to try to get a word with Alberto del Rio after his match tonight with AJ Styles.

Alberto del Rio was walking by, being stopped by Renee

Renee Young: Alberto, Alberto.. Can I have a word? Alberto, you have yet to win a match here in TNWR, just now losing to AJ Styles, a fellow participant in the Money in the Bank match.. How will your losses play out in the Money in the Bank match?

Alberto del Rio: No te preocupes. Money in the Bank will be a different story. All anyone is talking about is me losing. Everyone sees all the other participant serious, but not Alberto del Rio. No me subestimes. Destiny cannot be stopped. Money in the Bank will be a step closer to my destiny.

Alberto del Rio would walk away, leaving Renee Young alone.