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Sasha would be in a area backstage, which would look like a hallway. She was in the hallway of the TNW:R Backstage area, as she would have a camera man in front of her, with his camera as she got ready to cut her promo with some camera time that would eventually be posted on TNW:R's website. She would be wearing her regular clothes, since she was originally on a day off, but decided to show up here since it involved extra pay. Sasha had a bottle of water in her hand, as she would unscrew the cap, take a sip, and screw the cap back on tightly, placing the water down out of view from the camera angle. Sasha would then look into the camera and begin to speak once she was signaled to do so. "..Ever since I took time off after TNW:R's Pay-Per-View, Day Of Uprising after losing that Divas Battle Royal for the Vacated Women's Championship, which should of been mine instead of Paige's, I've been doing a lot of studying, and a lot of thinking. I've noticed that this Women's division has gone straight to s**t. From a chump like Adele quitting, to Charlotte being released, to Paige selling out and leaving the company." Sasha would take a few seconds to catch a breath, and quickly remember the words she wanted to say. The words would come to her quickly, since she's had practice on promo cutting in the past, and would of been a natural. "I'm not like those has-beens. They're obviously Women that thought they can hand, but the responsibility of being a competitor in this business was too much to bare for them. However, for me, it's the complete opposite. I may have lost my return match for the TNW:R Women's Championship, but trust me, I will be coming for it again once more. And I will pick up the victory, because I am the baddest diva in TNW:R. Sasha would make her quick little statement that wasn't too short, but in fact just what she needed for say, as the Camera would pan out.