
Thereon is a bustling metropolis, positioned far to the north from the port of Helios. It is a spawning ground for lust and greed, corruption is found around every corner, but that is not necessarily the city itself, no, it is also a wonderful place, full of wonder and generosity, new technology constantly being made, gives this city, the seemingly magical way to hide it's corrupted bowels, with it's ability to awaken a child like wonder in the world... In fact, the city is a world all in itself, it is surrounded by a rectangular shaped set of mountains, which are patrolled by law enforcement to keep people from getting in...and getting out...

Thereon is divided into nine sections, each with their own purposes, the central node, the north, the south, the west, east, northwest, southwest, northeast, and southeast...

All newcomers, arrive in the southeast portion of the city. This huge space, is full of temporary quarters for people who are emigrating to the city. It holds inside itself, a census and excise office, a job application post, and an introduction board (this huge automated billboard powered by mana that has been transformed into electrical energy, has an introduction message for all new coming peoples), from here, people are processed into the cities citizenship systems.

From the southeast, also known as the entrance plaza, you head into the Central Node, a gigantic train station, whose tracks and stops, span the entire city, all newcomers will now be able to notice, a series of drums running across the sky above their heads, multicolored sound waves that are constantly amplified by a magical backup system, are flying through these thin "drums" are so thick in some places that sometimes the only lighting is from the waves passing through the drums... The central node contains a food court, for new arrivals who present their meal tickets, and two dozen different sets of train tracks where trains run to and fro from all over the city, from the Central Node, you can go anywhere you like...

Taking one of the trains on the far left, you would arrive in the western plaza, also known as the residential district, this is where most of the city's populace lives, well, most of it's middle class... The residential district is also home to the city's fire department, there are a few restaurants, but it is mostly apartment buildings. There is a single shop here, a weapon's shop, it isn't, it is only accessed by those who have the proper connections, or by those curious enough, to ask around for a "Mr. O'Deal"

If upon entering the central node, you should find yourself heading toward the first train on you left, you will be taken to the southern plaza, this is the most dangerous part of town, gang violence, civil disobedience, and civil unrest ring out here more than anywhere in the city. That is because, this is a public jail, this whole place, is almost completely independent of the rest of the Thereon, sentenced criminals are thrown into this place, thrown to the dogs, so to speak, as werewolves and vampyres both feed in the open and war is constantly raging between different factions...And the sad part, the city's administrator allows this, he even pays the different factions to strike eachother...

If you are an aristocrat, your place. is in the northwest plaza, the set of trains to your forward left, this is where, the more, wealthy members of our city reside... It is home to Administrator Farlane, and Police Chief Marcia, along with other governing officials in the city.

In the southwest, the trains on the far back of the station, in a secluded area on the far left, you will find, where organized crime keeps it's leaders. The mob, the mafia, any kind of crime family is found here, this is not a place for the faint of heart, and I should hope that you never visit here, the strange thing is, you will see the Administrator making regular visits to this terminal of the Central Node...

The train in front of you, leads to the governmental district, home to all law enforcement buildings (sans the fire department). That should be enough, it is the basis for government communications system all over the city to the different government installations, and even upon the mountain watchtowers, the huge white marble building you see emerging from the train, is the Administrative building, the source of so much corruption...

And if you should find yourself leaning toward the train on the far right, that leads to the eastern plaza, in this side of town, you find the schools, waste treatment plants, and power stations, each of which are in their own little domain in this sectioned section of the city.

Finally, we are left, with the last plaza, the trade and recreation plaza, the northeast plaza, here, you will find the best in recreation as well as the majority of the cities shops, it is home to the cities economic display table, a sort of graph for the city to monitor how well it's market is doing, city currency is found everywhere, and this is where you should legally spend it...