An almost brand new city, seeming to have sprung up overnight on the outskirts of Serenity forest, Latdeci is very quickly growing into a truly grand city, with wooden buildings springing up quickly, and stoneworks being laid even as the wooden predecessors are finished, all at the command of Josephy Bornholdt, leader of the army of the White sword, a new force in Verspya. Accepting only those deemed good by the current council into the city, the entire place seems to be turning into a veritable utopia, with no crime in the city, so to speak… a utopia, so long as your human, angel or some other commonly accepted as good race. Policed by knights of the white sword day and night, the entire city has lanterns to light the streets, and laws that state that none may mask their faces within the city limits, to help prevent criminals from managing to escape justice. Magic is also illegal within the city for the same reasoning.

Should you be caught preforming a crime in the city, however, or should the knights of the white sword so much as decide you are evil, they wont hesitate to take you prisoner, for any reason, or no reason at all, and persuade you to confess your crimes… whether you commited any or not.

Inside the city:

Centeral Keep
Various shops of all sorts
Prison of the Light (Army of the white sword’s prison)