Lady in the Golden Wood

My decision-maker is p fed up with me lmao (god bless my bro for putting up with me lolololol)
And no worries/rush!! o v o
Most of the time I'm too tired to life when I get home from work, so between sleeping and working I just... get sporadic tags here and there when I actually remember I have tags lmao

She has blonde hair!
She was actually a port from another shop where she had blue hair, but since I already had my blue-haired angst hunter I decided to give her blonde hair and turn her into a girl version of Tamaki from Ouran Host Club lmao

God bless Khel I friggin cried when she linked me the pic.
/slaps some sunglasses on him and calls it a day

Perfect lolololol. The semester's just started for me, so I've been relatively free, but who knows when I'll get sucked back into neverending hell. orz No rush with tags whatsoever hahahaha.

LOLOLOLOL Ouran Host Club was one of my favorite growing up. But yeah, that makes sense. xD I have an OC myself who was originally a feral adopt but is now human. However, some of her old reference pics have her with cat ears so nowadays if I want to commission pieces of her I always have to add: "cat ears are unnecessary ; w; "

Khel's pic of him is perfect lmao. Ahhhh I'll make these rp decisions soon enough. orz

Ahhhh oh man, I still sometimes think I'm still in school and wake up in a cold sweat thinking I overslept for an exam/forgot to finish a paper.
And then I realize I'm done with school lmao GOD BLESS /sob

Yah, I love transferring/porting my chars into a bunch of AU situations xDD
/slow stare at Jasper who's immortalized in multiple adopt species

No rush!!
I should probs be preparing to head off to bed soon 'cuz long day at work tomorrow (despite already napping when I got home SO MUCH SLEEP ; A ; )