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The X's appeared on the titantron in bulge words,
symbolizing those who have fallen to the man making
his entrance, as his theme song would begin to hit.
"Immortal" by Adema
would then play through the Arena,
as Matt Allens would get a pop from the audience members.
Those that loved him, and those that hated him.
Matt would walk out of the entrance tunnel, as smoke would rise up on the stage.
He would then stand there on the stage, as he looked around
at the crowd, as he would then begin to walk down
the ramp with a plain expression on his face with the shallow
in his eyes, making it somewhat difficult for his opponent to read
what he has going through his mind.

He continued to walk down the ramp. There
was no announcer, or anything since Matt Allens wasn't
competing in a match. He was just here to say what he had
on his mind. He would approach the steel steps,
and walk around the ring to the bell keepers area,
as he would demand a steel chair, which he eventually
would get. Matt unfolded the chair, as slid it into the ring. He would then
walk up the nearby steps, as he got on the apron and came in the ring through the second rope. He picked up the chair and folded it out,
as he would also ask for a TNWR Microphone. He would get that as well,
Matt would position the steel chair in the middle of the ring, as
he would sit down in it, as the lights began to dim down a bit,
making a little dark, with a spotlight on him. In the background,
you would see flashes of cameras from audience members that
were trying to have a better view of the arena. Matt looked around,
as he would put the microphone towards his mouth,
getting ready to speak as he waited for the crowd to get silent,
since it would be rare of him to speak out like this, but tonight,
he wasn't in the mood for any nonsense, whatsoever.
He began to speak.

"I'm here to tell you all the truth about TNWR.
What this company is really about.. the lies, the truths, the myths,
about the black sheep, and about a majority of the people that work
here and perform when they step out behind that curtain each and
every single night..
Don't change the channel, because I'm going
to need all of your full attention."
Matt Allens took a breather, as he looked around the
curious faces of the TNWR Crowd, only to
put the microphone back to his lips..
"For the past few month or so, since this
company has been open ever since some selfish-excuse for
a human being decided to sabotage the former company known
as 'TNWF', things haven't been on it's feet since the opening
of this hell-hole. For one, money keeps coming out of the
pocket of Mr. McMahon for making shows go over their due times,
because people cannot finish their matches quick enough,
which is sickening. And then when shows start later than that,
it comes out of OUR budgets, as this company basically just
loses money, and continues to do so without any sort of
retribution.. I'm not going to sacrifice my paycheck just
so people can end their matches lately, causing Tuesday Night Television
or Saturday Night Showdown, or whatever the hell you tune into
to lose more than what it's even gaining.."

"..Which brings me to another point. Apparently,
just because i'm not second or third generation, people
expect me not to make it. People expect me to just be that guy..
that one guy in the locker room that wrestles meaningless
side-stories for the rest of his career. And if I do get a championship match,
what? Oh, I get a TNWR Paramount Championship match? Tag Team
Championship match? .. Sorry but that's not how this works.
If I think I'm worthy, I will go for the TNWR Championship,
and honestly..performance wise, I think I am ready..
I know I'm not Roman Reigns. I know I'm not the Undertaker.
I know I'm not Seth Rollins, and I sure as hell know I'm not some
wanna-be has-been that tries to just put himself in championship matches
for self-promotions like The Rock. I'm me. I'm Matt Allens..no, let me
stop that bullcrap. I'm Matthew Allen Gennison..and I have
been since the day I was born. You guys know Matt Allens,
but let me explain who Matthew Allen Gennison is. He's a man
that's been doing this for a couple of years. He was a newbie that
everyone disliked. Everyone hated. Everyone who thought I wouldn't make
it. And when I did make it, people thought I wouldn't survive
or last in the wrestling industry. There were people that have tried to
sabotage my contracts, even fire me from promotions over nonsense.
I still stand strong here in the wrestling business, and I will
be for the next year, then two, then three, then four, then five,
then even a decade, and even until my heart can no longer beat.
I do what I love doing, and what I love doing is wrestling. Performing."

..Matt would remove the microphone from his lips,
as he would look down at the mat, with the spotlight being removed,
as the arena would be completely dark..

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