Lana would walk out unannounced, as it would seem like somewhat of a surprise to the faces of many of the stupid Americans that decided to spend their useless U.S. Dollars on such a watered down pathetic poor excuse of a show run by such a hypocrite like Triple H. When Lana walked out, she would have a TNWR microphone in hand, as she would put it towards her lips, close enough for the audience to get a good hearing and understanding of what she would have to say, especially loud enough for the TNWR Superstars to hear her, as it would be highly important in terms of the danger that awaits them.

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Lana would have a smile on her face that brought some charm to her sharply dressed appearance. She would then begin to speak. "I feel sorry for wrestlers of TNWR, especially those who claim to make name for themselves.. but this is indeed, such a tragedy.", the crowd would fill up with a 'what?' chant all at once, considering because her accent was definitely a new touch to TNWR, and no one has heard it like no other, however, because the crowd was filled with a majority of people being Americans, they were obviously being stupid, which was no surprise to Lana. She would then begin to speak again. "It is not good to have such big target on your back, to self-proclaim yourself as 'thee best'. Especially with false advertisement, when you 'thee best'. When you're the best, there will always be someone up ahead of you, but that isn't the case here..", Lana would say as she would put the microphone to her side and smile at the crowd, looking at everyone's illiterate and confused faces, as if they didn't know what she was talking about, which was alright, since she would then get to the point at this instant. "..What I am talking about is the most dominate to ever step foot in the ring..his name is Rusev, and he will be coming soon to competition..he will see which TNWR Super-star thinks they are worthy enough to be crushed by the almighty Russian Super Athlete known as Rusev. Rusev will be here. And when he does arrive to TNWR, expect a five..RUSSIAN star.. performance.", Lana would then say as she would turn around, and walk back to the backstage area, as she was done promoting Rusev,