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Interviewer: Ladies and Gentleman please welcome my guest at this time the Paramount Champion.... Finn Balor. (Crowd Cheers.)

User ImageFinn Balor: "Hey there thanks for having me."

Interviewer: "Now Finn last Friday we haven't gotten the chance to catch you after your fatal 4 way match at Awakening of the Fall but never-mind that and tonight you are here, now that being said like wow what a match you retained your title for the first time against three other superstars how did it feel actually being able to pull off that victory."

Finn Balor: "Well Byron, Yes indeed it was a brutal fight every-time I thought I had an opening the next guy would be there to stop me. But like I told Renee I stayed with a clear and clean mind and I did a lot of thinking in the match and little do you know it 1....2....3 I retained my title."

Interviewer: "Yes Finn but breaking news for us this past Sunday on a well known veteran The Archangel himself Trent challenged you to a match for the Paramount Championship and not only that you accepted it so this Tuesday you two will be battling it out..."

Finn Balor: "Yeah I have bundles of respect for Trent he's a good guy in the back were friends and all but like I said It can be anyone..... and I mean anyone to challenge me for my gold and I will put it on the line because I'm not just in this Company for the money, or fame, I'm doing this for the love of the sport and also to be a fighting champion by any means necessary."

Interviewer: "Also Finn you took some bumps and you're fresh off a Fatal 4 Way title match and coming into another title match a couple of days later are you sure you are going to be 100% in this match?"

Finn Balor: "Like I said I'm a fighting Champion and I go out there to put on the best performances of the night so weather its 3 men I have to face or 1...... Finn Balor is always ready."

Interviewer: "One more question Finn and I'll let you go. Very dark and breath taking entrance you had this past Friday at the PPV so tonight on The Supershow I'm sure the fans wanna know will there be any facepaint?"

Finn Balor: (Finn smiles and says) "Haha honestly not tonight I don't need the other side of me to pull off victories tonight I'm walking as me with my championship and leaving out the same way." Finn says as he places his title on his shoulders and walked away.

Interviewer: "Take you for your time Finn."

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