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"My name is Finn Balor...... and I'm the future!"

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Finn Bálor has arrived in TNW:R, which can only mean one thing for his foes: pain.

A star in his homeland of Ireland, the United Kingdom and beyond, Bálor came up through the notoriously tough Japanese dojo systems, where he mastered hard, lightning-quick kicks and vicious submission holds.

Upon arriving in TNW:R, the proud Irishman chose to honor his heritage by taking on the names of two enduring Irish myths — the warrior Finn McCool and Balor, the king of the Fomorians who could cause wanton destruction simply by opening his fearsome eye.

Bálor caused destruction of another kind when he competed in a Gold Rush Tournament for the New TNW:R Paramount Championship advancing to the finals after defeating Cesaro and Matt Allens. However Finn wasn't too successful at the finals against Mikey however he made history the very next night defeating Mikey shortest title reign in TNW:R History.

The enigmatic Irishman finally got his show of shine on Saturday Night's Supershow main even-ting for the very first time teaming with Samoa Joe and Roman Reigns. Finn crush the competition and literally crushed Dolph Ziggler through a barricade. Finn would then score a pinfall victory on Matt Allens with a sick Spear into a Coup de Grace combination. Now let's take a look at Finn's signature maneuver that put away many men in this business.

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coup de grâce : a death blow to end the suffering of a severely wounded person or animal. It may be a mercy killing of civilians or soldiers, friends or enemies, with or without the sufferer’s consent.

Finn being what he like to call a "Fighting Champion." Has painted a huge target onto his back which lead him into a Fatal 4 Way match for the Paramount Championship. It was a good one all those four men Dolph Ziggler, Mikey Chi, Suicide, and Finn himself fought hard, however Finn risen above the beating he suffered scored himself a victory and a retain in his Championship. A day later a Veteran names Trent would challenge Finn making the newcomer prove to say he is a fighting champion on Tuesday Supershow. Finn and Trent fought hard and Finn nearly almost passed out in the first very moments of the match due to Trent's incredible experienced technical wrestling abilities. But all Finn needed was one Pele Kick to turn the match into a complete 180 degree circle to dominate the rest and finish Trent off with the coup de grâce to earn his second title defense. What Finn Bálor has planned for the future may be a mystery, but one thing is clear: The future starts with him.

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