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Interviewer: "Daniel I must say you had over a 50 minute match with John Morrison to determine who advances to the Money In The Bank ppv. Morrison was willing enough to put his spot on the line giving you a second chance and you successfully pinned Morrison for the win and advanced. Now he's out and you're in how do you feel Daniel about taking John's place in the ladder match."

Daniel Bryan: "Well I didn't take anything from John first off haha he was I'd say nice and willing enough to give me a second chance to gain back my momentum coming back into TNW:R from my injury. The match was insane like I never faced a tougher opponent other than Brock since I been in TNW:R and it's a great feeling knowing I have a second chance." Daniel says as he gets his shoulder taped up.

Interviewer: "Now that you are in what is your plan on winning the ladder match and becoming the 1st ever Money In The Bank holder in TNW:R?"

Daniel Bryan: "Well there is no plan.. Matches like that is so chaotic it's something you really can't prepare for you know. However my intentions is to kick and knee anyone who comes my way in that match."

Interviewer: "Now fresh off of injury coming back in your triple treat match with Trent and Jeff Hardy like it seemed as if you were a little rusty. No disrespect to you at all Daniel but you showed the world you still got it tonight in your match with Morrison, so since you been back in the ring how has your leg been playing into the picture?"

Daniel Bryan: "Haha yeah my leg this ole thing? Well in the triple treat match basically felt like I was in a handicap match but it's alright I interrupted their one on one and they did a smart move making sure I was taken out 1st. But yeah Morrison tonight he brought the best out of me and I'm 100% glad he did because I need that pain, I needed that adrenaline, and I needed to be push to the limit like that. So at Money In The Bank I will have what it takes to go out there and win that ladder match to become the TNW:R Champion in the future and I mean that in the most serious way."

The interview nods at Daniel walking away as the camera fades away.