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"Welcome to this weeks interview. I have a very special guest, for the first time ever in this form, the Beast Incarnate himself, Brock Lesnar. Welcome." Michael finished.

Brock in return would only nod his head at Cole. To which Michael would calmly move on and begin, "Brock, sunday, at Money in the Bank, on the TNWR Network, you will take on John Cena. I want to start by going back a few weeks where you and Paul Heyman came down to the ring and stated that you were tired of not getting your credit. And in return Stephanie McMahon would give you a proposal that if you took out John Cena that you would be named the next number one contender for the TNWR Championship. What do you expect to happen this Sunday when you step into the ring against John Cena?"

Brock sat and listened nonchalantly almost. Before almost breaking out into a sigh-laugh and sitting up. "Well, I think when you say that you can go back to my victory over the Undertaker. Yeah it's been said over and over. Sort of like a broken record. But the record stands that I am the only man to ever defeat the Undertaker at Wrestle-Mania. The only man. When I came back to the TNWR, it was not to be on the sidelines being underused. I'm not like other guys in the locker room. I don't show up every week, nor do I need to. I won't.

My only reasoning for come back to the TNWR is because I want to be number one. I want to be TNWR Champion. You see because although I am already the better athlete than the champion, him being champion puts me in second place. And the way I see it is, being number two is just being the first to lose. Simple as that. So what I expect is the knowledge of knowing everything that ever has been put in front of me; I've accomplished."

Brock stated and then Michael would go on to continue. "Brock, last week, John Cena called you out and Paul Heyman said you were not in the building. Could you give us a little light on that and why you didn't come out if you were in fact in the building?"

"It's quite simple why I did not come out. I don't answer to anyone. So, I damn sure don't answer to John Cena. John Cena called me out and I didn't come out because I didn't acknowledge him. I came out when I wanted to come out. And when I did I left a ring which inside was a broken man. And I left. That was it."

Michael looked over his notes and then back up to Brock after he finished. "It's funny you mention later coming out, Brock why exactly did you let Dean Ambrose challenge you. Why then instead of earlier when John Cena called you out?"

"There's a difference when someone calls you out when you aren't out there from when you are in there. And Dean Ambrose thought he had the wherewithal to come out and face me. First of all who the hell is he? Second, I did what I did to him like I did to Matt Allens because I could. Not because he pissed me off. It's because I had the power at my disposal to do so. And did it. I'm not here to play off anybodys emotions, I'm not here to play off what other people think. Brock Lesnar is the face of this company. I don't know when people are actually gonna get it through their head."

Michael then began, "John Cena believes he can beat you. And that he is ready for you at Money in the Bank."

Brock sits there for a moment to regain himself. Sighing, "I'm not a man of many words. Which is why I have a guy that does all my talking for me. Now, John Cena on the other hand can go out and pander to the crowds. Get hype and yell things like the "Champ is here". Or about what he's gonna do. I don't really care what kind of John Cena shows up on Sunday. I don't. It's not going to interfere with my plans at all."

"Is your plans going to have to change if you beat John Cena and then have to go up against either Seth Rollins or Samoa Joe?" Do you have any respect for John or anyone else that is willing to get into the ring with you?

Brock almost laughed for a second. However only smirking he would began to sit up some adjusting himself in his seating place. "No. And no. Because I don't respect anybody. I do what I do and I do it damn well. I come to fight. I Eat. Sleep. Conquer. Repeat. I'll Eat. Sleep. Beat John Cena. Repeat. I'll Eat. Sleep. Beat Seth Rollins. Repeat. I'll Eat Sleep Beat Samoa Joe. Repeat. Because I'm a fighter. I come from a fighting background. I'm a prized fighter. I come to any show I want to promote fights. That's my job. I've shown up these last couple of weeks to do that. Promote Money in the Bank. So no, my plans won't change. Just like they won't change at Money in the Bank. John Cena can show up as any person he pleases. He's going to get an a** beating." The interview finishes as the camera goes off.