In order to make it easier to follow the flow of tickets between users and into raffles, we kindly request that everyone involved in this event make a post in this thread that they will use to track their tickets. This post should log all the tickets that are won through booths and events, and all the tickets that are either traded/gifted away to other users or entered into raffles.

Please format the core of your post according to the code below, with green text for tickets coming in and red text for tickets being used/traded. You are, however, welcome to decorate and fancy up your post however you'd like!

** Note that in this event, we're not allowing for ticket trades!
You must earn/buy tickets for yourself.

[b] USERNAME HERE'S Ticket Tracking! [/b]

[i]Date Goes Here[/i]
[url=linktopostindrabblethread][color=green] +# tickets for drabble![/color][/url]
[url=linktopostinpaidticketthread][color=green] +# tickets bought![/color][/url]
[url=linktopostinraffleethread][color=red] -# tickets used in raffle![/color][/url]

[i]Date Goes Here[/i]

[b]Total tickets:[/b] ##