We are implementing a very minor requirement in the shop. The rule is very simple: you must claim (aka, acknowledge, pay for, and/or cert) your villager drop within 72 hours unless you have previously given us notice that you will be away, in which case you will have an extended grace period for claiming.

You must cert your villager within one week after claiming (regardless if the mule has accepted your trade or not; if you've sent it, you're good to cert). If you do not and we cannot contact you, your trade will be canceled or any payment refunded and your villager will be rehomed. Again, if you have given us prior warning or can contact us during the period, this can be extended.

In the case of wishing, if contact cannot be made with one owner / the owner will not give information for their portion of the wish, please contact us after the one week period. The shop will attempt to contact the missing owner; if there is no response after 72 hours, that owner's villager will be rehomed to another player not already involved in the wishing. We will work with the other owner(s) to determine who this will be!

Failure to cert villagers / having villagers rehomed three times will net you a three-month no-villager ban, where you are not allowed to obtain villagers for three months.

There are several exceptions / special notes to this rule. While they may not be rehomed, these circumstances will still count as a strike for the three-strike rule!

RLC villagers will not be rehomed, but they may be stripped of their number and moved further into the collection.

BCC villagers will either result in a refunding of BCC for basic semis, followed by rehoming, or renumbering in the case of OC based semis. New lines made with BCC will be renumbered as well, but the lines will immediately go into open shop use.

Auction wins will not be rehomed/reassigned as long as the payment has been sent. They will be renumbered, however.

Villagers based on OCs or other B/C pets will not be rehomed, they will also be renumbered.

We are more than willing to work around extenuating circumstances, as long as you let us know what's going on. Please, communicate with us!