Poseidon's Glory~The City Beneath The Sea
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Landscape: The city is below the sea, surrounded by huge underwater mountains. Inside the actual city, it is quite urban.

Description: Perhaps the most secluded yet sophisticated city in the world, Poseidon's Glory. It was built at the surface, sunk by a giant tsunami, and eventually seemed to disappear right off the face of the earth. The entire city is wrapped in a bubble of air, for the humans that cannot breath in water.

The city is basically like a giant metropolis, but always shrouded in darkness, besides the lights of the city itself. The streets are made of water, for those that can only breath water. There are numerous entrances, which were carved into the mountains around it. They are always open, ready to welcome any arrivals. The bubble can be entered and exited directly, but it is impossible for people to swim down that deep without taking a breath. Those who have exited the bubble from Glorys' side, have mostly never been seen again.

The city of Glory is much different from its neighbor Aquatica, as it is very dependent on technology. For example, mechanical fish and other craft originally used for flight are now used for fast transportation through the water, and the letters in the city are transported digitally, using magically induced images for the substance of the letter. The city almost circles around, pushed by strong currents at the bottom of the sea and seemingly tied together and suspended by wires.

Inside Atlantis:

The Tower-The tallest building in Poseidon's Glory. Anyone can enter and exit, but you must be important to get to the very top floors.

The Gates- Entering and exit Glory from here.

The Residential Area-Living area. Where everyone lives.

The Shops-Shopping and restaurants. Seafood, and surprisingly steak? Where did that cow come from?

The Water-The streets that link one place to another.

The Outer World-Exiting the bubble from anywhere else than the gates. Be careful!

The Technology Sector- Technology is all created here. People of all races are allowed to take technology from this area.


Man Eating Starfish
The Leviathan.