
Call me Syo. Master also works. Haha.

I draw, voice act, translate... Nothin' special.

Might be able to find me in zOMG dickin' around.

I'm nice, I promise, don't be scared to say hi.

Twit: syotako23
Discord: syo #0797


Syo's Log

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Things go here. Some historical Gaia goodies, commissioned art, etc.



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 10/04/2021 6:54 am


Honestly props to you for cooking so much and making fresh bread and all that. Usually I go all out for breakfast on the weekends because we’re not working.
But honestly I don’t stop at all.

My day starts at 5:30-6:00 and I don’t stop until 9:30. And I still work part time. The good thing is I get to see her even if I work so she knows I’m always there.
Right now she’s eating more texturized food. But I read not to feed her real food until she’s at least a year?

Btw this baby loves dairy, so milk and yogurt are ok with her!

Report | 09/28/2021 7:31 am


She doesn’t use utensils at all lmao
She will grab one if I give it to her and bite/suck into it but that’s pretty much it

And I do have a couple of silicone ones!
I bet they would be great when she starts eating regular food!

What’s your weekly menu??

Report | 09/24/2021 7:12 pm


She has this bowl since she was a wee little baby that is a yellow bee bowl and she loves that thing
And I gave her a bee blanket (also yellow) and now it’s her favorite

Girl just likes bees lmao
And oooh Bella is just now starting to eat mashed up real food lol

Report | 09/24/2021 5:08 pm


lmao I somehow missed this comment.
I actually saw it one day

Bella is obsessed with anything bee-like

Report | 09/18/2021 12:55 pm


Did you know that bees urinate?

Report | 09/11/2021 6:42 pm


Awwww how cute!! heart
Send me pictures when you can!

Report | 09/11/2021 4:22 pm


She's only 9 months, gonna turn 10 11/16 so no words yet.
How about Lily??

but she's standing up and doing 1 and 2 steps now!

Report | 09/10/2021 2:56 pm


I’m good! She’s finally sleeping almost if not the whole night so that’s been helpful!
And yes, we do make time to go on dates or do something together at least once a week!

And I’m not too stressed, it’s been hard working part time plus finding enough time for wife duty and momma duty!
It just seems like all my time is taken up haha
But the grandparents are helping though!

And she’s almost 1! It’s crazy how fast time is flying

Report | 09/09/2021 1:50 pm


Top of the morn’
Park Jinwoo

Report | 02/20/2021 3:31 am

Park Jinwoo

Syo!!! Do you still come online?


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