
hello, for starters the names nuha or nunu which ever goes with the flow. i'm fourteen. i have everything i need in life so why not love my life? my family is just- words can't explain it. i have few close friends clear up any cloudy day and thats all i need. other then that, soccer is my favorite sport & guitar hero and nintendo 64 equal big heart. nature is my place of serenity, music equals peace, house is my favorite show & GOD is number one. my main goal in life is to enjoy it and appreciate it. like they always say, you never know what you have, until its gone. got it, good. i am very outgoing but i don't need to write the story of my life on a page& i adore meeting new people so talk to me ;

i enjoy watching soccer.
my have mulitple favorite colors.
i don't like the idea of "juding" people.
life with out regret is the best.
forgive and FORGET.


Viewing 6 of 6 friends


Viewing 10 of 17 comments.


Report | 04/10/2009 6:16 am



Report | 04/10/2009 6:15 am


cute aci

Report | 10/19/2008 8:29 am


hey nuha! its shane.

Report | 10/05/2008 12:04 pm


Heyy, it's Jane from south. This is Nuha right? Well, just dropped by to say hi =)

Report | 10/04/2008 8:10 pm



Lady Shinigami 22

Report | 03/17/2008 10:18 pm

Lady Shinigami 22

nice profile and thanx

Report | 03/01/2008 8:21 am


smoken hotttt. lol. xD props to me. i gave u that hair for free. xD with no charge of any $ lolz and the outfits well im just a sylist at work. lol xD love hate it. i can editit more then u can amagin. lol

Report | 02/08/2008 7:23 pm


lolz its ok. im sorta nooby 2. i only have 1k. tho i know almost everything about gaia from chi. i just i dono dont do much. lolz but yea. i help chi a lot with what she needs im not rich but yea. and dont worry ull get the hang of it. xD everybody does. and im Jam well thats what everyone calls me but my real name is Jamie. but i hate that name so i like Jam. xD

Report | 02/08/2008 6:56 pm


roarz bizzyness. confuzingness ahhhhhhhhhh. maybe ill see if i can fit it in with my very biz comp sched. lolz

Report | 02/08/2008 6:43 pm


hey wats up? nice avi. xD