Cobalt Soul Fox

Cobalt Soul Fox's avatar

Last Login: 06/09/2024 11:31 pm

Registered: 12/05/2007

Birthday: 05/13

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Howdy there! Welcome to my profile!
I was once Kitsune Shogun Shiddo. But I’m now Cobalt Soul Fox!

I'm deciding to abridge [and slightly elongated version] the About Me:
28 Years old
Male (I occasionally like to change my avi's gender for fun)
Currently living in America
College Graduate

Works at Macy’s (Quitting soon, moving BACK to Alaska)
Science is awesome!
I love art! I've graduated with a Bachelor in Art, so I do understand art with a good bit of insight.
A Fox Furry (Not afraid to admit it!)
Loves anime and manga (my collection is growing quite a bit... o-o' )
Gamer (I don't give a damn if it's PC or consoles, I'll play what I see is fun! And by the way, PC isn't the master race.)
Pokemon Fan (if I haven't made it obvious enough)
Whovian (As you can probably tell by my profile. David Tennant is my first Doctor I fell for. Jodie Whittaker is a FANTASTIC Doctor!)
Honest person (Can ya tell?)
Loves traveling
Loves animals (I now have a new family pet! A Golden Retriever!)
Loves my friends
Hates Drama (I am not one for drama, but if it appears, I'll do my best to comfort anyone in any way I can.)
Hates people who judge from looks (I mean, c'mon! It's the 21st century here! Don't base any opinions on looks alo- wait, people will sadly always judge this way...)
Hates unfaithful people (long story)
I'm an all around happy person! (I may be shy, but I'll poke my head out of my shell if you nicely coax me.)
I'm Random (Nothing like- flies out and hugs, but personality-wise, it'll change.)
Use your English, please! I would be ever so grateful if you typed audibly.

Avatar thoughts:
I love changing and tweaking my avi into new looks. But if you want a specifically "human" look from me... Then tough luck. If you ever find me in a human look, it would be likely a cosplay or one of my characters, more or less. I specialize in fox, kitsune, or otherwise keaton avatars. There will NOT be any other animal types, unless addressed in my signature. My favorite color schemes for my outfits are: red/black, black/white, or CMYK styles, with a hint of white occasionally on the rb or CMYK. I REFUSE to trade any items that I haven't put up for offer in my MP or in my potential trade requests.

PM Problems:
I am having trouble PMing people. Not for any specific reason, but I lose track of time, due to that I recently moved since I have no more classes or dealings with college or school life. And also, I have a hard time keeping up with people. So a PM even not dealing with one of our talks, or a random PM would be lovely to get!

Thoughts on "Love":
I've been through enough heartbreak. If you want to be my friend, please be a friend. Lately, I've hit my last straw on looking for love. Because I just want comfort, no more stress or pain. I am sorry to those who I've hurt. Please, no more pain... Can a friend say to a friend "I love you" without the idea that it's just more than friendship? "Love" is such a freaking strong word these days. You can love a dog, you can love god or whomever is your deity, you can love your parents. But why can't you love a friend? Because "love" takes on a different meaning outside of your family. You can love them as individuals, but not the act of "love" some may think of doing. This land is full of perverted minds, not like the term of "pervert". It means "alter (something) from its original course, meaning, or state to a distortion or corruption of what was first intended." But perverted from the true meaning of "love". It means the feelings states, and attitudes. For which ranges from interpersonal connections, such as parents, or deriving from pleasure, such a s meal. But the one most commonly seen is the emotions of a strong attraction or a personal attachment. That last one, I don't want none of for a long time in the terms of a strong relationship of girl or guy. I know what love is, and now you too. Love your friend, just don't "love" your friend. Heed this advice.

My belief and hope
I still believe there is good in this world. But the news and some people are really making it hard to continue believing in it... It depresses me that, although, we're the most progressive race on Earth, we're now reverting to old habits once again. This new world's peace has died and gave into war, hate, and terror for all the wrong or asinine reasons. Yet, there is proof that some people are still kind, giving, and generous. And that is even more apparent in Youtubers, charity organizations, and people who are willing to protect this planet's wildlife and security. I'll try my best to hold onto that belief, for the greater good of all of us. Until then, I will have to endure this depressing world, in hope that later on in my life, I get to see that good come out in everyone one of us. Please, no more suffering? No more destruction? And no more hate? I beg of you. The future of humanity, begs of you. I understand this isn't as easy as it sounds. But we all need this. I am not weak. I am strong. I am strong enough to have the patience to see this day come. Especially for all of us! If I could, I'd wait a million years to see this world be at peace once more. Just to see that good I once believed in.

That's all you need to know [and more]! See ya!

"Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them humanity cannot survive."
- Dalai Lama

"Learning to love yourself is the greatest love of all."
- Michael Masser and Linda Creed

"The best way to cheer yourself is to try to cheer someone else up."
- Mark Twain

"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."
- Albert Einstein

"The difference between fiction and reality? Fiction has to make sense."
- Tom Clancy

“When you blame others, you give up your power to change.”
- Robert Anthony

"Love everyone. Forgive everyone. Especially Yourself."
- Daniel Avidan

2016 Avi Art!
One of my goals every year is to get as many avatar art as I can. Whether they're gifts or commissions of mine, I am willing to accept all art and support the artists for their talent.

User Image
Commissioned from babuzone. You can buy his Commissions here.

The idea alone that there's a bright future. No matter how hard the challenges can get.
As long as you hold onto to that hope. Your determination will be rewarded.
Stay determined, friend. The dark times will soon go away.
Please keep hope. Your determination will shine.


View Journal

Kitsune's Tales

The journey of a kitsune...


View All Comments

khamoon Report | 09/08/2023 9:09 pm
Thank you very much for your purchase! emotion_bigheart
Credulity Report | 07/10/2023 5:45 pm
girofgoths7 Report | 08/20/2022 10:29 pm
You'll get there. Trust me! Any artist has potential to seriously bring the world down. Take it over!!!
Soon, I too plan to get back in my artist spotlight. I havent been drawing in over 2yrs!! However, drawing on masks lately seems to be getting a lot of recognition. Tho I was doing it to keep my co workers away from me. Lol sure backfired. But nonetheless. I'm inspired to make a come back. I sure hope the best fory ou as well. Dear friend
girofgoths7 Report | 08/14/2022 10:49 am
Tell me about it. Work sucks XD
girofgoths7 Report | 12/27/2021 11:19 am
Ello ol fwend ^_^
I'm still here =3
Thought I'd drop by to say hope your christmas was well.
heart valve of justice Report | 01/16/2020 12:51 am
heart valve of justice
Ah! So that's what happened to you! Wondered why i hadn't seen you around.
girofgoths7 Report | 09/24/2019 11:22 pm
Sweet profile! Hmmm. I see your a gaia vet as myself. O.o tho my acc. Doesn't show it. I'm gaia vet 2006.
Thought I'd say hello to a stranga. Lol blaugh blaugh
samantha38 Report | 06/24/2019 12:01 pm
samantha38 Report | 03/18/2019 6:10 pm
Yeah we dont do that lol we let eceryone do whatever. My hubby and I are pretty much mommy and daddy of the con group. We love taking care the ypungest of our group. She really enjoying cons even though she is disabile. We make the most of it. Getting really into cosplays so hehe.

Yes that be wonderful

You better! That would make my day!
samantha38 Report | 03/18/2019 2:01 pm
That be very cool!!!

it feels like fluffy clouds if you get the right kind lol

YAY!!!! pictures when you guys get it!


My Avi:

I was once Kitsune Shogun Shiddo. New username.


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Dat Sparkley Bon3r
Dr F0X

David Tennant is
my first and
favorite Doctor
from Doctor Who.
Apparently, Peter Capaldi
doing a great job too.

“Kindness’ covers all
of my political beliefs.
No need to spell them out. I believe
that if, at the end, according
to our abilities, we have done
something to make others a little
happier, and something to make ourselves
a little happier, that is about the
best we can do. To make others less
happy is a crime. To make ourselves
unhappy is where all crime starts.
We must try to contribute joy
to the world. That is true no matter
what our problems, our health,
our circumstances. We must try.
I didn’t always know this and am happy
I lived long enough to find it out.”
- Roger Ebert

"I see now that the circumstances
of one's birth are irrelevant.

It is what you do with the gift of life
that determines who you are."

~ Mewtwo

"The important thing is not
how long you live... It's what you accomplish with
your life. While I live, I want to shine. I want
to prove that I exist. If I could do something
really important... That would definitely
carry on into the future."

~ Grovyle (Pokemon: Mystery Dungeon vg series)

