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Im that kinda sings-in-the-shower-but-doesnt-sing-good kinda girl.I actually love singing all though I sound like a tone-deaf horse.I love acting.I also play soccer which is a great sport,and i am thinking of playing volleyball.I probably wont though,since im such a lazy person.I barely ever come on Gaia,so forgive me if my profile isnt the most high-tech thing.Message me because you could never have enough friends.I am a talker.(:


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Mr Grenade Report | 07/17/2009 11:10 am
Mr Grenade

Actually, mime assassins do it.
The best killers are ones that don't talk.
Mr Grenade Report | 07/17/2009 10:39 am
Mr Grenade

Huh... I dunno.
That would be hilarious if they did, though.
And if they break it, they get executed o_o
Mr Grenade Report | 07/17/2009 10:24 am
Mr Grenade

Forcing them to go against their code of honor?
How devious =)
Mr Grenade Report | 07/17/2009 10:20 am
Mr Grenade

D: I think it would be creepy.
Mimes are scary.
Mr Grenade Report | 07/17/2009 9:48 am
Mr Grenade

Go to mime school! =D
Do those even exist?
Mr Grenade Report | 07/16/2009 5:05 pm
Mr Grenade

Hey! You could be a mime!
Mr Grenade Report | 07/16/2009 4:31 pm
Mr Grenade

Why don't you like Broadw- oh... the singing. I forgot.
Chances of you getting your own show are slim to none, if you ask me.
Even if you're an amazing actress, your parents probably have to be famous for you to get a show.
Mr Grenade Report | 07/16/2009 4:22 pm
Mr Grenade

Your sister... must have horrible tastes.
And- you're thinking about joining them?
Don't do it!
If you're genuinely a good actress, go to Broadway or something.
Disney will eat your soul.
Mr Grenade Report | 07/16/2009 4:17 pm
Mr Grenade

/hides self
Disney. Is. Evil.
Mr Grenade Report | 07/15/2009 9:08 pm
Mr Grenade

I hate it when people at my school talk about any show.
'Hey, did you say [insert lame show name here last night]?'
'No >.>'
I don't talk about it at school; I just watch and enjoy.



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Hey!!Thanx 4 visiting my profile.Its so sweet of you to stop by!!Thanx!

If you think your life will always suck,you are wrong.If god planned to make your life suck,he wouldnt have wasted his time making your life at all.