
-Looks up from a pile of papers- o.O -waves a warmly 'hello'-

Hello ^^, I guess I'm going to have to write something about me
and have you feel like a stalker in my life, huh. -sigh- Alright, alright
I will well let me think, I'll start up with talking about me, well I am
19 young or old it is whatever to me I don't mind. Many always say
I look younger then my age; others say I am way too mature for my
age well how about you be the judge of that.

I am a freshman at College ^.^ somewhere in New Jersey.
Oh yes I am a jersey girl I talk like a jersey girl and everyone seems to
find that I have a accent. I am planning on become a lawyer.
I always wanted to be in the Criminal Justice field. I have the
criteria to actually study this field. I've studied Graphic Arts;
meaning I can make designs and such I don't do it here because,
A. To make a background is way too difficult. and B. I
am too lazy, ha-ha. (Mostly option B xD)

Well a little bit more into my life, I like reading anime, drawing, doodling,
listening to music, playing the piano and the clarinet, I used to play
the trombone x-amount of years ago, shopping yeah I like it a little into that
girlie type, I am also a shy person, I have a great personality
once I think I know you, I am down to earthy kind, I don't take crap
from ANYONE, I tell it as it is I'm not going to lie to you to make you
feel better I will tell you the truth no matter if it hurts because I am not
going to have you walking around looking a mess and say you look pretty.
Anyway back to me, I like writing stories some for teens and most rated
17 . Well I am infatuated by vampires. Well I am stumped and don't
know what to write really....blah.
-Hides back under the pile of papers-

i lie awake
as the clock strikes twelve
my hands cover you
as i whisper this song
you are my life
you are my breath
nothing in this world
compares to you
you are my tears
you are my smile
i cannot wait
to hold you in my arms
my heart beats for you
you are the reason for
my midnight lullaby ♥


Viewing 12 of 37 friends


YaYa's Journal

This journal is going to be about what I want you people to know and other stuff. Like my RP character and other things and anime ^^. Okay...



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

Dan the Detective

Report | 04/15/2012 12:52 am

Dan the Detective

Way too long ahaha. What's been going on with you? ^^
iSnuggle Monster

Report | 03/18/2012 9:08 am

iSnuggle Monster

Hello. : )
II Stelmaria II

Report | 03/05/2012 7:55 am

II Stelmaria II

I'm doing good. I've also been busy with college but I try to get on as much as I can to chat.
Enjoying yourself at college?
Dan the Detective

Report | 03/02/2012 2:33 am

Dan the Detective

Hey, how have you been doing?
II Stelmaria II

Report | 03/01/2012 11:02 am

II Stelmaria II

Hey how are you?

I haven't spoken to you in a while.

What have you been up to?

Report | 02/27/2012 7:53 am


Hay, what's up!

Wow, it has been a long time! biggrin I thought you had left Gaia. I spend a few minutes on Gaia each day for the rewards and sign off. I too just don't have the time like I use to. I'm working more hour on my part time job. I need the money. I'm still taking a class here and there. So, with work, school, family and most of all my boyfriend biggrin I don't have a lot of time for Gaia.

Well, it's great hearing from you. I'm doing fine. hay, keep in touch. Have a great day! biggrin

Report | 12/27/2011 4:47 pm


Happy Birthday! biggrin
Dan the Detective

Report | 05/08/2011 8:18 pm

Dan the Detective

Yaya chan ^^

really long time no see. How are you?

Let's catch up sometime?

Report | 10/25/2010 5:12 pm


Hi Yaya-chan!

It's great hearing from you. It has been a while since I heard from you! I hope all is well with you and your family. Like I said before, I come on mostly to get my daily rewards and sign off. I have more than one account so I spend a little time on each, when my schedule allows. I played Zomg on my other account today. I was working the "Green" for the gold. I can't afford to purchase Gaia Cash Card like I use too. cry I have not purchase a Cash Card the last several months. cry I need every dime I can work for and save to help pay bills here in the real world. So, I play Zomg, to get gold for my monthly letter. I got lucky this month! biggrin rofl A very special Gaia friend gave me both letters.!!! So, I have each October Collectible!!!!! rofl I was floored by the gift! biggrin I'm usually the one giving people gifts,(Usually new friend gift and birthday gifts) both small and large gifts. But, I hardly every get gift from the people on my so called friendship list. Speaking of my friendship list, it's time I start deleting people who I have not heard from in the last six months or so.

Well, I have to answer some PMs before I sign off. So, you have a great evening and I'll chat with you some other time. bye for now! biggrin

Report | 10/24/2010 12:32 pm


I'm back biggrin heart