
Captain_VelvetDemon's avatar

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Birthday: 04/20


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Expired_Strawberry Report | 07/08/2010 10:16 am
LOL REALY? ididnt know they have a new director. surprised that mybe y its so much better this time. ok fine i ad mit u may not be cool. BUT UR AWSOME!! XD u get to go travel urself. u has a job? o.o how do u pay so much? thats because u cant know anythign about me! muahhahahha muhahahhahahahahaa lol. jk i like hong kong drama alot surprised yea thats all biggrin
Expired_Strawberry Report | 07/07/2010 5:07 pm
twilight eclipse is pretty good. i thought it was better than both the first two. lol ur so cool. u must be alot older than me. ill try eureka now. makes me think of albert einstein. o cool i have to get taht game now.... LOL ur avis a very very masculine man! biggrin
Expired_Strawberry Report | 07/07/2010 10:44 am
wow u get to travel? i dont and is it expensive? is chain of memories available on the playstation? surprised or only psp? maybe ill check eureka out later. lol ur avi looks like a girll!!!! i dont think i should tell people i dont really know where i live. sorry v.v i got yelled at for doin that x.x gosh its hot today
Expired_Strawberry Report | 07/06/2010 9:55 am
ah u write so much...trying ot farm and not seem like im so ur a guy? thats so cool lol at least ur not les... DX lol femanine looking guy. ur avis a girl? XD ive never heard of eureka 7. i love kingdom hearts too. i finished both the ps2 games. but not the one inbetween :O there is such a one?! what it called? i have to get it. LOOL ur name is spelt the girls way. lol my friends name is jackie. specifically not Jaquelin surprised lol YES I LOVEDDDDDD ouran hicgshool host club. id wish there was a second series....but then i dont . yea i cried at the ending. x.x
Expired_Strawberry Report | 07/05/2010 10:43 am
uh lol i like romance too!! a lot!! lol and i just saw eclipse the movie. anyways. i think ur a girl but ur telling me ur a guy. or at least look like a guy. so u actually like girls? ok...wait so ur les right? but u actually have some girl inside of u? i think i understand. i used to play DOMO dream of mirror online. have u? it was so fun. x.x I LOVE ANIME SO MUCH. seeing ur profile makes me so happy.... o.o i need to get a life XD I LOVE KINGDOM HEART!! do u play that?
Expired_Strawberry Report | 07/04/2010 7:44 am
LOL same here!!! T.T gaia is my addiction for now. it was alll my friend's fault and now she doesnt come on that often!!!!!!!!! grrr....but. I LOVE WATCHIGN ANIME HOW COULD U EVEN ASK?! I LOVEEE ANIME. but i also like reading manga. but reading manga online is quite troublesome in my opinion and the dum library doesnt have the books i want. i watched alot of anime. but not THAT much. ever heard of "future boy conan" IT SOOO OLD. but i watched this anime when i was little so i like a lot and brings a lot of memories.
Expired_Strawberry Report | 07/03/2010 4:06 pm
lol same here. thats alot. i starting to question which item i should get.
Expired_Strawberry Report | 07/03/2010 8:29 am
LOL yea i constantly buy stuff. but now im gonna save up for a hidden ace item.
Expired_Strawberry Report | 07/02/2010 12:43 pm
yay ty biggrin
Tatsu Quits Report | 06/17/2010 11:14 pm
Tatsu Quits
i like the way you're doing your avi.

my only advice would be maybe a bit of purple by the feet

i think if anything these would do it



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