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Meh :D

Well I am iMikeyDumpling so you can probably guess what my real name is. Well I am Caucasian, a guy (uh duh) and I am 18. I will never tell you where I live, I have too many fan-girls that are following me xD. I am super random and really stupid, to me F is fantastic!!! Lol, I have A.D.D. and A.D.H.D. but thank god I am not schizophrenic. Anyways, I am kind of feminine in a lot of ways… I like to cook and keep stuff clean and I am totally obsessed with my hair and the way I smell. I am not a girl though you can check if you want to xD. Not saying that guys can’t or don’t do any of that stuff, it’s just that my friends all say I am quite the girly-man.

Ok so I play some sports like football (even though it doesn’t seem like I would) basketball, golf, I swim and I play soccer. Yah I am sort of jock-ish even though I don’t look like I would be. I play a few instruments like guitar and piano (yes I have a soft side) and the violin (my mom made me learn when I was younger. I love to draw, it is one of my passions. I draw pretty good I just draw in a really different style that not people would like lol thus the reason I keep my art to myself. I don’t write that much, I am a horrible writer, I have like absolutely no creativity when it comes to stuff like that, so don’t even ask me to RP because I would probably just ruin it xD.

Well for music and stuff, I like pretty much any type of music even country as long as it is Cash. Lol I like rap and rock and once again every type of music.

Uh, movies, movies…. I like girly-ish movies for some reason… lol? But only like old ones like Princess Bride, and Ever After Stuff like that. On the other hand, I love Gore and Horror movies… Along with Comedy. Ok now I know people are probably like screaming “GIRLY-MAN!!!!” in their heads but believe me I am not gay or bi or anything. I have nothing against people who are but I am personally not gay… O_O did I make that clear enough? Yes? Good.

For television, I like kid shows and stuff like sponge bob and stuff. The majority of time am watching T.V. though is taken up by ESPN. Oh and don’t forget ESPN2!!! Lol

Well, I think that’s all there is to know about me but if you are not satisfied please go to any bookstore and pick up a copy of “Mikey an autobiography” xD

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Birdiekins Report | 07/31/2009 2:48 am
I was stalking the forums and noticed your profile, which is pretty damn awesome.
Kantech_Complex Report | 07/28/2009 9:43 am
Hey there! Remember me?! ^^
i_music_box1_1 Report | 07/20/2009 11:20 pm
k gewd^^ and and and, hia^^
i_music_box1_1 Report | 07/08/2009 1:51 pm
ummmm....i dont realy kno if i talked 2 u last nite but ummm..... i'm realy srry if u were ta 1 ta i had a fight w/
-Vagtastic- Report | 07/07/2009 9:50 pm
I'm going to bed. So goodnight Mikey!

OH, hehe I guess you already beat me to it since your offline already. Talk to you the next time you get log in again. heart
-Vagtastic- Report | 07/07/2009 9:39 pm

Only pixelated ones.
-Vagtastic- Report | 07/07/2009 9:26 pm

I couldn't help it.
-Vagtastic- Report | 07/07/2009 9:17 pm
rofl That's awesome.
-Vagtastic- Report | 07/07/2009 8:51 pm
What she said about wrapping the meat in sunflowery goodness.
-Vagtastic- Report | 07/07/2009 8:48 pm
Sorry but that made me giggle a little bit.

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iMikeyDumpling's avatar

Birthday: 02/27


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A little bit more details

Well Oke I saw this survey type of thing so I thought why not post it here xD

Location:Uh, yur mom? lol
Favorite color(s): Red, black, white, grey, purple
Interests:Sports, cooking, hanging out
People you'd like to meet:Einstien, Spongebob
Your favorite song:Hurt myself by Johny Cash
Favorite Movie: A Clockwork Orange
Favorite manga(s): Deathnote, Naruto
Favorite Anime: R.O.D., Eiken club lol
Food?: Yesh please, lol
Television or Computer? Computer definately you can get T.V. on there
Do you have any pets? Yah, 1 cat, Chunker. 2 dogs, a German sheaperd named jakki and a Puggle puppie named peepz, and a goldfish named fluffy xD No joke.
Do you smoke? Yah but not that often
Have you ever broken any bones? Yah my left leg and both my arms but my right one twice
If you where a dinosaur what kind would you be? An Aegyptosaurus rawur
Would you say your smart? Not in the least lol
Are you attractive? Lol hell yah
What is your favorite part of your body? My eyes (they are gorgeous) lol
How would you define your style? Alot of skinny jeans, converse etc.
Is there anything else you'd liek to say? Not really

I'm on a boat


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Yes, that is me------>

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Yes all of these pictures are of me lol Hope you don't go blind by my fuglyness xD