
umm, i really don't believe you need to know much about me except that i'm moody and i act on it...

ok, i'll be nice and tell you some things.
1. random
2. in love with love
3. death is a peacful virtue
4. love my books
5. drawing rocks, deal with it
6. clothing is worn by demons, i like clothing
7. video games are awsome, just like my foot up your a**
(jk, please don't hurt me)
8. love friends, love enemies more (chea right)
9. blood is a great resource...yummy
10. i like my music
11. innocence is a cover for the hate
12. crosses and things make me happy *cough cough
13. life is as you choose it
14. is that a llama *runs away*

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Drakinia!!!User ImageArt by: Mab of Queen


Viewing 12 of 27 friends


Dark Love

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Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 01/14/2010 8:25 am


hai my dear friend
sorry i dont remember you but
i wanted to say you happy birthday
hope you have wonderful day ^^
light mother 5

Report | 07/20/2009 8:36 pm

light mother 5

just saying hi.and wondering if you have any new art?
light mother 5

Report | 06/30/2009 10:39 am

light mother 5

i love,love love your profile!!!!!!!
light mother 5

Report | 06/26/2009 9:29 am

light mother 5

enjoy your weekend.
light mother 5

Report | 06/24/2009 11:47 am

light mother 5

glad to cheer you up!!!!
light mother 5

Report | 06/24/2009 11:38 am

light mother 5

o.k. sure thing. and mr torn valentine said he loves your art,and voted also.
light mother 5

Report | 06/24/2009 11:31 am

light mother 5

hello, i voted for your art in the arena.love ur art!!!
light mother 5

Report | 06/14/2009 12:33 pm

light mother 5

just wanted to say hi,and that i miss you.bye.

Report | 04/15/2009 8:03 pm


Aw, thanks *huggles* But yeah, you're right. I'm so glad i was home when it happened, because he would've died in all alone :'( I'm still depressed though.

Report | 04/15/2009 7:39 pm


Well, he was in the frunchroom and i heard him gagging. But when i went there, he was on the floor convulsing like he was having a seizure, so i called mom and she's all, "yeah, i think we hafta put him down." so i calmed ollie down enough to put a towel over him, but he kept drooling gross snotty spit, and he decided to throw up gross snotty spit. So then dad came home, and called the vet and they just said bring him in, so we picked up mom from the train station, and we went to the vet and put him to sleep. It was so sad, Ollie's my brother, man! It sucks not having him around, the house smells different. Ollie's cage is gone, and the kitchen is empty. Leaving the TV on for the dog is over. And now when I sit on the couch, my feet get cold. Gaaah. I miss him a lot. But Ollie's not gonna scare us anymore by having seizures and puking, and I'm pretty sure his kidneys were failing too. My parents said it was good we ended it when he wasn't in pain because he wouldn't've suffered.


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then he gets raped