
Lady_Red_Death's avatar

Last Login: 11/12/2022 6:32 pm

Registered: 09/10/2005

Gender: Female

Location: In the pits of hell

Birthday: 08/19/1993


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Hi, I'm a future Psychology student who enjoys art, MLP FiM, Pokemon and an assortment of other video games.

I enjoy a good Role-play, so if you want to 1x1 or have an interesting RP you think I'd might like, PM me XD.


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Misguided Royal Report | 08/19/2012 12:08 am
Misguided Royal
It is 3:07.. so that means it is officially your birthday! Happy b-day girl! Hope you spend it well and do whatever it is you'd like!

xxKiller Kishixx Report | 07/31/2012 7:32 pm
xxKiller Kishixx
You know, I miss roleplaying with you.
asad_pokemon Report | 09/26/2011 5:25 am
cam i play a pokemon role playing game in this guild? pokemon gotta catch them all??
if so then how??
xxKiller Kishixx Report | 07/19/2011 2:31 am
xxKiller Kishixx
Oh, you don't have to make a character just for my Master. ^^;

You'll get a pillow to the face if you try to get him out of bed without him being willing... Like Lindsay in Freaky Friday.

[>w> KK.]
xxKiller Kishixx Report | 07/19/2011 2:21 am
xxKiller Kishixx
That's fine... I have no idea who to 'pick' for my upfront Master... He's turned into more than I bargained for.

Coyoda asked me to make Euli, my Devil master, pick his Neko...

He'll treat your angel like his sister... >w>
xxKiller Kishixx Report | 07/19/2011 2:09 am
xxKiller Kishixx
Well. I have another Master... He's a Devil though and to be with him involves a lot of work... I commented on Riki's short apperance.

Boo. At least 'Kenji' and 'Tenshi' are gone... I literally made my Devil Master to upstage his Devil... >>;
I'll be grumpier if I had a really bad dream. Probably tackle you and give you the worst noggie.
xxKiller Kishixx Report | 07/19/2011 1:56 am
xxKiller Kishixx
I try to keep as up to date as possible with my posts, while people just ignore me sometimes...

I'm glad you didn't see it coming, you're now the third to know. I ran it by the guild owner because it seemed like a great idea. I tried to have it hidden... and you're locked in there with Damian and the Neko.

I wanted to kill him but the owner says I need to get permission from Coyoda. =/
Hey~! I was tired and got woken by stupid people! I'm allowed to be grumpy.
xxKiller Kishixx Report | 07/19/2011 1:24 am
xxKiller Kishixx
~Hates all of Coyoda's characters.~
xxKiller Kishixx Report | 07/19/2011 1:23 am
xxKiller Kishixx
Spell check and Word are my friend... I type there before I even preview post.

[We just usally seem to be off when getting online at the same time. Leaving me stalking the guild for your posts.]

Enjoy my secret. I hope it's a shock.
xxKiller Kishixx Report | 07/19/2011 1:10 am
xxKiller Kishixx
Hahahaha. You'll probably be alright with proof reading my bs.
-continues snuggling-

~Well try! D: Peas?~

Yeah... I hope the Neko doesn't reply to it.




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