Some guy

Evilweirdo 0's avatar

Gender: Male

Birthday: 09/18

What is your wish, kadan?

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I totally looted this stuff from a giant enemy crab.

Dang it, wishlist notifications. You get my hopes up for posts.


I'm a pro-profile profile-phile, according to my pro files.

It's me!

Tales stuff! Mass Effect! Video games, books, and stuff! That's how I roll.

I'm also kind of weird, apparently. Yep.

Holy comments, Batman!

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Midnight_Heiress Report | 07/04/2014 4:44 pm
Well, I'm currently hammering out the first posts such as guidelines and such.
It might take a while, but I can probably get it done in a few hours tops.
*Mind you, I'm having dinner soon*
If there's anything that you want to add with the RP, then you can let me know.
Midnight_Heiress Report | 07/04/2014 3:28 pm
Hey, Weirdo.
If it's okay with you, do you wanna help me manage the Tales of Academia RP with me?
Midnight_Heiress Report | 07/04/2014 2:42 pm
Well, from what I heard online, the manga adaptations don't hold a candle to the games.
Still, I wouldn't mind watching a review of Innocence or Hearts.
*I don't have a PS Vita or whatevs*
They're making an English adaptation for Hearts, but nothing for Innocence.
And I really hope they make one for Zestria.
I want to see them try to make a non-linear story work.
Midnight_Heiress Report | 07/03/2014 7:14 pm
I see . . .
Thanks for the advice.
I've seen the ToP and ToE anime.
Phantasia is just a 4-part OVA, so it glances over a lot of stuff and has several exposition dumps.
Eternia, although a side story, is still enjoyable . . . plus it has several funny moments and fan-service scenes.
I've only seen a few episodes and the bonus episodes for the ToS anime, since they're hilarious.
I haven't seen the anime prequel to Vesperia nor Abyss, though.
((If they do make more Tales anime, I hope they make one for Rebirth, Graces and Xillia))
Midnight_Heiress Report | 07/03/2014 4:18 pm
Thanks, Weirdo.
Also, thanks again for showing me that Tales of Translations page on tumblr.
(More reason for me to make a tumblr account)
I'm not very skilled at starting up a new RP, so if you like to help me out with it, that'll be splendid.
(Do I need to inform Azura or someone about it?)
I have seen the Tales of Gumi videos and some more vids like that on Youtube.
Not to mention some of the more risqué skits from the original Japanese games.
Still, I'm kind of fishing for things to add to the drinking list while doing such things.
I kinda wondering if NAMCO will make more Tales anime/OVAs.
Midnight_Heiress Report | 07/02/2014 7:26 pm
Thanks a lot for showing me the Tales of Translations on tumblr~!
I think the Tales of Academia might help with making the groundwork for the RP.
Then again, I'm more interested in the 4-koma comics.
Midnight_Heiress Report | 06/30/2014 4:02 pm
Thanks for the birthday wishes~<3
Midnight_Heiress Report | 06/29/2014 7:08 pm
I'm not used to asking people whom I've just met stuff out of the blue.
Then again, my social skills weren't the best growing up.
Midnight_Heiress Report | 06/29/2014 8:59 am
Thank you for your help.
I hope that I'm not being too intrusive.
Midnight_Heiress Report | 06/28/2014 8:38 pm
Well, anything would be good.
I don't want you to fart out everything that you know on the spot.
This list needs some gradual growth.
As much as I would like more people to put some input into it . . .
I fear that we are the only ones who put anything, at all- into it.

Sincerely, etc., etc.

I see you have a similar combat grip. You and I are definitely Turtlez!


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