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♥ My Lovely Mar / Hisako Fujiioka
♥ Happily Married - 13 / 10 / 2012 ♥

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Name: Shiroki "Shiro" Nagase
Name Meaning: Shiroki means White Light and Nagase means King of Fighters.
Age: Looks 17-18 (2300 In Youkai Years)
Species: Two Tailed Kitsune (Though he prefers to keep one tail hidden); Youkai Half-Blood
Occupation: Bodyguard
Likes: Peaches and Honey, Murasaki Togu, Grandma Togu (Deceased), Hisako Fujiioka, His friends.
Dislikes: Spiders, Bullies, Being Scolded, Arguments, Not being able to defend others and those important to him.
Personality: Shiroki is known to be Kindhearted, Protective, Slightly Dim-witted, Curiosity also sometimes seems to get the better of him, His nature is that of a Bodyguard, Bold and Brave, He is also Slightly Short-tempered yet he is Patient during Times and battles, He often waits for the right moment to strike and move next, He plans out moves or attacks or just straight forward comes up with things as he goes along when in a hurry.
Abilities: Flame Control - Able to Summon Flames around himself and his fists or hand, he is able to transfer the Flames from the palm of his hand to his Blade as he runs his hand along it during un-sheathing and will often use the flames in battle as fire-balls or send a Wave of flames flying toward his opponent.
Kitsune Form - During times Shiroki will often shift into this form with enhanced flame control abilities and Flames around the ankles of his paws, While in this form his Speed and Power is greatly enhanced and his tails will often Ignite in fire if he is getting ready to battle.
Flame Burst Mode - During a Near Death Experience or if he is angered Greatly to the point of snapping or if someone dear to him is Injured to the point of almost dying, Shiroki Will Cover himself in Flames and lose control of himself, He will launch a flurry of attacks in an attempt to kill the one that injured him or the one close to him and will often lose his mind in this state, It is hard to get him back under control in this state, An Aura-Like Form appearing to look like the outline of his Kitsune Form will appear around him in the shape of flames while in a deeper state of Flame Burst Mode, His eyes also turn a deep crimson red while in this form.
Hidden Ears and Tail - Normal Humans without a Spiritual sense cannot see Shiroki's ears or tail(s) and he can keep his ears and tail hidden if he doesn't trust someone and he will look like a "Normal" human to people without Spiritual Senses or those he doesn't trust, most likely humans with aura he doesn't like. Also if he chooses to his ears and tail can take their own form, that of a small fox like creature and he will often carry it around with him or ask it to stay by his side, without the small fox he cannot gain back his ears or tail and will slowly lose his Kitsune Abilities thus he can become a normal human if they are kept away from him for to long.

More Abilities to come.
Weapons: A Katana named Kagetsu
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User Image - Jin Inumura
User Image - Murasaki Togu-sama

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