
Mirialia86's avatar

Registered: 04/24/2007

Gender: Female

Location: Second to the right, and then straight on till the morning...

Birthday: 10/06

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I know you want to...


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What to say...
I'm a female ° I'm 22 ° I'm going to college where I study science (geography)... *used to do geology* ° I live in Belgium (I speak French) ° I'm open minded ° I love ° my friends ° arts ° reading ° litterature ° drawing ° music ° theater (9th year this one ^^) ° travelling (I'd love to go to Japan, China, New-Zealand, Australia, the UK,...) ° gaming ° partying ° wandering around in the woods... ° sleeping (lazy lazy lazy...) ° eating (chocolate and sweets addicted!) ° I'm vegetarian ° and so on... ° If you have a question, just ask ^^

My first coplays ^^
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You Need Some Orange in Your Life

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Orange will make you feel open, lively, and artistic.
And with a little orange, you will project an aura of friendliness.
If you want bolder experiences, you've got to get a little orange in your life!

For extra punch: Combine orange with red or yellow

The downside of orange: It's too powerful and unusual for some people to deal with

The consequences of more orange in your life:

You will become more creative in almost every aspect of your life
You will find humor in the most serious and dismal situations
You will feel like life is exciting, even when you're doing ordinary things

What Color Do You Need?


Wigs! ^^
Fishies. Ready to do avi art for it! =) And of course donations are welcome! heart
Finally starting to quest for the things I've been wanting for 2 years *thanks booty grab*

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Bought from my wishlist (for me to keep track): Chyaku Norisu Scarf, Dark Halo, Elemental Hair, Nitemare Bustier, Gift of the Goddess, Dreamer's Dust, Kottan Bell, Reve Rouille, Shadow Spirit and Whip of Fire, Smashing Cities, The Cosmos, Borealis x2, Queen Bee, Enchanted Book, Mythic Hair, Stupendous Strawberry, Koi, SDPlus #21 Meredith, Sweet Porridge.

Thanks to:
heart Jetio *65000!!!* heart
heart Mika Relie *3 eggs & 1 black pebo feeder* /got art
heart Nevaris Letalis *5k for my Lila* [Got it! ^^]
heart tanissa *5 eggs* /got art
heart Akito Agito Fang Road *6 eggs* /got art
heart MajesticalGal & WillyNillyDilly *2 eggs*
heart Anonymous *8 eggs* /got art
heart Anonymous *Gino's Underwear!* ^^
heart HatefulLittleTwank *Red Fenghuang Feather* Thank you Ash! heart /got couple art
heart Rei_Toei *Black Spider Choker*
heart scarred human *Nitemare Boots*
heart Iveekitty *1 strawberry chocolate egg & 3000g*

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My Aquarium

Your aquarium is undergoing maintenance!


View Journal

Changeant comme le vent...

Drawings, Thoughts, Crap,... I'll just follow my inspiration!


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Iconoclast Enthusiast Report | 08/30/2011 7:34 pm
Iconoclast Enthusiast
Yikes! Hope your exams go well!

I know what you mean! I've got a big bookshelf but I've just ordered a couple of new books razz

I've just started reading What's the Matter with Kansas? How Conservatives Won the Heart of America by Thomas Frank (for my liberal book club @GoodReads.com) and I also hope to read A Clash of Kings by George R. R. Martin (for my SciFi/Fantasy book club), American Taliban: How War, Sex, Sin, and Power Bind Jihadists and the Radical Right by Markos Moulitsas (for my atheist book club), and Something Wicked This Way Comes by Ray Bradbury (for my horror book club).

Have you read any good books lately?
Iconoclast Enthusiast Report | 08/27/2011 4:01 pm
Iconoclast Enthusiast
I'm alright. How are you?

Yes, I just finished Game of Thrones last weekend and I'm going to read the second book in sometime next month (I've got like 5 books I want to read next month for book clubs razz )
Iconoclast Enthusiast Report | 08/26/2011 11:04 am
Iconoclast Enthusiast
Hey, just wanted to say I like your new avatar! smile
xEuCliDeaNx Report | 08/26/2011 7:25 am
Doomed Dragon Girl Report | 03/11/2011 12:35 pm
Doomed Dragon Girl
I've been on Gaia since 2009, and I love it. smile How long have you been on Gaia?
GreenSouthpaw Report | 12/19/2010 7:48 am
Aw, thanks ^^.
teddyrot Report | 07/09/2010 10:29 am
sorry for being a creep,
youre pretty c:
snowbelle3 Report | 06/26/2010 7:59 pm
Definitely! I'm excited for all stars. I hope I get in too.
It is going to be really hard competing against everyone. >.<
Everyone is so good.
snowbelle3 Report | 06/26/2010 6:58 am
haha thank you :3
That was probably my favorite shoot so far.
and I love your sig picture! It's gorgeous.
I don't think I did so well this week now, because i had to rush.
I was surrounded by finals and relatives were coming to my house everyday and ugh.
haha. But I guess we'll see (: are you doing all stars?
kill3rsushi Report | 06/13/2010 5:17 pm
Here are two new places that I like
Also, I am sure I mentioned this one to you before?


[i:d9832fb568]You've got a heart as loud as lions
So why let your voice be tamed? ~



Hello, hello, hello...

Is there anybody in there?

Just nod if you can hear me...

I wish you were here...

Who is she with that misty look

Every night a different book

With the scent of violets in her hair

Who's this angel on my stairs?

Nana Osaki

My Sally "cosplay"! ^^
I love A Nightmare Before Christmas!
Do you?