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Daniella, 38, Female.
Virgo. INFJ.
Green eyes.
Eclectic Witch.
Cernunnos & Lilith. ♥
Falling in love with fictional characters easily. ♥
Movies and music.
Favourite Bands: Fear, and Loathing in Las Vegas & Cvlte.
Daily journaling and story writing. ♥
Books. ♥
Fanfiction. ♥
Favourite writer: Stephen King.
Paranormal activities & mysteries.
Grew up in a real haunted house.
Autumn & Halloween. ♥

My favourite Books are:
Wasted by Marya Hornbacher. Insomnia by Stephen King. Harry Potter 1-7 by J. K. Rowling. The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath. Practival Magic by Alice Hoffman. Norwegian Woods by Haruki Murakami and The secret History by Donna Tarrt.

My favourite Animes are:

Mirai Nikki, Happy Sugar Life, Death Parade, Kakegurui, Citrus, Naruto, Shingeki no Kyojin, My Little Sister can't be this cute, Sailor Moon, Strawberry Panic!, Death Note, Toradora, Sword Art Online,


Viewing 12 of 81 friends


Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 05/31/2024 4:35 am


Oh yes, I enjoyed Little House On The Prairie too, westerns are very much a niche thing nowadays, though some TV shows have caught interest and video games the books seem to be mostly left to much older people or the odd rare young fan, and most of the movies nowadays are very low budget and cheap, I watched another last night called Gunfight in Rio Bravo, it was a very cheap affair and well.the main character was a Steven Segal type who never missed and took no hits, he mowed everyone down like a Terminator, it was too one sided for any tension, I deleted it immediately after watching it, it did have quite a lot of gunfighting but without any challenge it was kinda dull, yeah I am not even sure what western I could.even recommend you might enjoy, Mayne Brimstone? That was an extremely dark Dutch western movie definitely very brutal and grim, *shoebug is now a different shoebug, I have pinchers now rofl redface

Report | 05/29/2024 1:58 am


my browser volume stopped working somehow earlier, everything said it was 100% i messed with it for quite and while did restart which took like 10 minutes to get this thing chugging along to the point I could even do anything, then still nothing, checked all the internal volumes everything was on and ok, still no sound, youtube wasn't muted, even tried muting and unmuting still nothing, finally i did a full reset for every audio app restoring defaults and somehow that fixed it, it was only youtube with no audio everything else was working fine, at least that's worked out, i watched a really cheesy western movie yesterday, it was super campy and ridiculous thankfully the villain made it worth the watch, it didn't take itself very serious and its budget was terrible the costumes looked like they were made from the cheapest ones available, the main character was likable but the villain definitely was the best actor in it, the sounds when people got shot were like OOOOF UHHH AHHH and assorted over the top noises like the old 1960s batman show with Adam West, I wouldn't watch it again it was called Dead Man's Hand, the one thing I could praise about it is the gore effects used in a few scenes were well done and looked appropriately gory, it definitely had a tongue in cheek attitude so it wasn't meant to be taken serious so i can forgive it some, but yeah hoping my next watch will be better, I don't know if there's any western movie I've ever turned off, but i can say the worst one I've ever seen, Meek's Cutoff, that movie while it looked beautiful and the costuming was nice, is literally one of the slowest movies I've ever watched in my life, its all about a covered wagon trip in the desert, if they wanted to capture the monotony of that experience they absolutely succeeded, there's no action, literally the most exciting thing that happens is a barrel rolls down a hill, even reviewers were shocked at just how slow it was and basically said it was slower and took longer than a frozen snail would to s**t lol, AND the movie has no ending really it just randomly leaves off unconcluded, it was truly a test of my patience and endurance, oh yes most of the conversation in the film is from a distance with the characters seen from afar doing daily chores and such and talking in hushed tones saying nothing of importance, anyways I hope you're doing well or puttering along * Shoebug stays In Your Shoe*

Report | 05/23/2024 8:02 pm


that would be wonderful if there was, I mean there are plenty of the old west so I assume since Viking related literature is popular there may be something about surviving there, yesss Alec Steele has plenty of other projects he has done, if you search his channel, you can actually follow is journey from when he first started smithing all the way to now and the growth he's gone through, its really cool stuff!, ohhh you're in a woodsy witchy mood, that's good to hear, maybe you'll find some more upbeat reading for the time being, i can ask some of my other friends if they maybe they know some books that may be good for you to read, I hope you're doing well, always enjoy our talks, oh I am on number #4 now of my book series, finally through that ratty trilogy and onto books in good shape, you're easily my favorite friend on here, *shoebug stays in your shoe* redface

Report | 05/16/2024 3:08 am


Oh here is a link for the metal forge guy Alec Steele, in this collection he makes a viking sword


Report | 05/16/2024 2:59 am


Yes watching them survive with nothing and seeing how they get drinking water is really cool, yes I should also sleep again as it's 6am, a pleasure to talk as always, and I can send you a picture of the series, because I have them all on one book shelf but I'll need another to finish the series, have a wonderful day Paperworm, yoir conversations always bring a smile *sleeps in yoir shoe* redface

Report | 05/16/2024 2:43 am


Maybe I'd like to be able to quick draw like an old west gunfighter and spin the gun all fancy hahahaha but I never really thought of it too much, Shoebug is just a Shoebug that's my fantasy redface rofl oh mentioning wilderness survival, I watch videos of people surviving innthe wilderness and remote places, or desth defying xextreme sports, wilderness survival would be a great skill to learn, I don't know how to survive a night in the woods, yeah a bit of self defense might be nessicary just so you can defend yourself, ohhhh there's a lot, I have over 200 of the pain series, plus like 70 of the bigger books and I'd say 45 of a mix of the spin offs, I'm going to inventory them soon, I'm starting at the beginning, only the first 38 are sequential, I've read quite a few of the later books before probably at least 50 or more of them

Report | 05/16/2024 2:28 am


And oooo, yes that would be nice to see you be able to make such things, but it'd expensive, I remember you mentioning your brother I'd a slacker

Report | 05/16/2024 2:23 am


I think I like the solitude and the disconnect of the time and how things were still being discovered and tamed, nooo I am a blind ********, me with a revolver would be a bad idea, I'm the clumsiest of in existence, I think viking stuff is cool too, though i don't know much about the period in detail, I like watching this guy on youtube forge weapons and things with metal he's very enthusiastic

Report | 05/16/2024 2:02 am


Oooo maybe I'll try to eat that at some point, it sounds intriguing, might find a new favorite, umm I like to ride a bicycle when I'm in shape and can get out to do it, I love watching vintage movies, I like music so much but I don't play, I don't haveany hobbies,I would like to travel and visit old west ghost towns and see all stuff about the old west, it's so alluring to me that sort of thing, the desert, but I live in a city where there's not much to do but drink and do drugs which I don't do so my hobbies are few, the water is too freezing to swim in even in summer, I do love to thrift shop a lot that's a favorite hobby of mine or go to record stores occasionally, sometimes I go with my mum to gardening stores and look at flowers and plants but I don't garden much myself

Report | 05/16/2024 1:40 am


Ohhh I eat peanut butter sandwiches which are sweet and salty and love pancakes, yes oatmeal is tough to eat daily due to its blandness, I grew up with my mum making it every day so I am used to its boringness, yeah the world is full of distractions every day, like you once I get on the computer or my phone and doing something, my a** is glued to it with endless options for renewal! I'm definitely an internet addict at times, I can break away completely though better than some, I just read like mad when no internet, like at my mums house, oh dear I don't have many creative outlets, I occasionally try to paint nonsense, or maybe learn Brazilian Portuguese but I lose focus without someone in perspective practicing with me *shoebug hides back in your shoe*