
The sun has fallen and it lies in blood,
The moon is weaving bandages of gold.
Oh, black swan, where, oh, where is my lover gone?

-Black Swan, Gian Carlo Menotti.

My name is Audrey or Neo; either one is fine with me. I'm a college senior studying classical voice. I practically live for music and love every second of it. My current focus is on my senior recital and applying for grad programs.

I have a dry, sarcastic (and occasionally witty) sense of humor. Mine is an evil laugh; though, I've been told I'm actually a nice, caring person, so YMMV. Once you've got me on your side, it takes a hell of a lot to get me off it; but if that happens, be prepared to suffer the consequences.

Currently obsessed with Doctor Who, the Half-Life/Portal series, and Zelda. Always obsessed with opera.


Viewing 12 of 20 friends


Vertigo 0.5


Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 12/03/2012 9:28 am


Thanks for shopping!
I love your profile. :O It's beautiful. ^^ And: Good luck with your senior recital! smile I have a couple friends who were music/performance majors, so I understand that it's a lot of work. xP
Ama Vian

Report | 11/21/2011 11:19 am

Ama Vian

thanks ^.^

Report | 08/21/2010 1:37 am


I love singing.... for now. Haha. I just managed to build up confedence to do it in front of others, just not on command. XP

Report | 08/20/2010 9:13 pm


Nice. I definentlly wanna work on my voice more, but I don't wanna have to use all my time for it, ya know?

Report | 08/20/2010 9:03 pm


Cool, Cool. It may be Tennessee that we're going back too, not sure. Where are you located yourself?
Mugen no Sora

Report | 11/13/2009 4:48 pm

Mugen no Sora

x~xNot that it matters, but I'm 22.
Thanks for reassuring me that I look younger than I'm supposed to. =x

Report | 11/11/2009 5:33 am


First comment in over a year prize goes tooo....
Dun dun dun?

Okay, let's see, constructive criticism, constructive criticism...

P-P-P-Pokerface P-P-Pokerface~ Om Nom Nom Nom

Yeah, guess who didn't get any sleep last night? - -
Kirel Kemmetmau

Report | 07/10/2008 3:32 pm

Kirel Kemmetmau


Report | 09/16/2007 8:25 pm


Thank you. User Image
Kirel Kemmetmau

Report | 09/04/2007 9:44 pm

Kirel Kemmetmau

Christmas, actually. *cries*

Ooo, is that a tome? Those dragons are awesome.


[i:e90cf4b823]The right to be heard does not automatically include the right to be taken seriously.[/i:e90cf4b823] - Hubert H. Humphrey