
Hey! I'm Rachel!
If I don't know you than you shouldn't talk to me kay? It's weird.
I'm not hear to make friends rather to be WITH my friends.
Oh, and roleplay. I do love to roleplay. Just not lately sadly.
Well, ta ta!

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The Girl Who Cried Life

Well, the title speaks for itself. This is where i'm going to be writting about my life. I don't write often but when i do i usually sum it up pretty well.


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Merina Lopez

Report | 05/15/2012 11:29 am

Merina Lopez

Thank you for buying at my shop!


Dis here's my search'in thread ---> LINK
"One day we will look back on this, laugh nervously and change the subject."[/color:36ad31c23a][/size:36ad31c23a]