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  • Arenas
  • FFX-2 Rikku
  • Voting has ended.
  • Voting has ended.
  • Title: FFX-2 Rikku
  • Artist: starlight prayers
  • Description: Okay i know that you've all probably seen tons of Rikku's here before but most of them aren't very good. =l I've been working on my Rikku cosplay for about two years now. And yes i know that a Rikku won in the past. But i honestly don't see how. Her avatar didn't look anything like Rikku. .-. Anyways, the aquatica and hairpin are supposed to be the beads in her hair. Please judge by the reference picture. Try not to be rude and judge fairly please. Thank you! ^^
  • Date: 04/10/2009
  • Tags: ffx2 rikku final fantasy yuna
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  • Reference Image:
Comments (7 Comments)
  • Brooklyn Hyuuga - 04/19/2009
  • U followed the pick and made the best of what gaia has to offer ^ ^ If I could give u a 20/20 I would but I cant so 5/5
  • [~-Sephiroth-~] - 04/18/2009
  • That's actually pretty good, especially since you're trying to work with what gaia has to offer at the moment. 5/5 Please rate and comment back? Thank you.
  • starlight prayers - 04/18/2009
  • How the heck does this deserve a 2/5?! Please tell me. =l

    Yeah i know it's really cluttered. But it's really the only way to make a Rikku avi. It's either cluttered with all the right items or not cluttered with not very many items at all. o.e Which turns it into one of the noobish Rikku's you see everywhere.
  • [ .Uber Gabel. ] - 04/14/2009
  • I can easily an dplainly admit that this is by far the best Rikku I'VE seen, however, it does seem a bit cluttered to me :/ I'm not sure how to fix that though D:
    Either way, excellent job :] 5/5
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