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  • Arenas
  • Rikku FFX-2
  • Voting has ended.
  • Voting has ended.
  • Title: Rikku FFX-2
  • Artist: starlight prayers
  • Description: I know that Rikku is WAY overdone but my cosplay is different than a lot of Rikku's. I know that there's a newer hair that looks a lot like Rikku's but the headbands don't layer right with it so I kept the terra twist style. I've never won before and I don't expect to now, but I figured I'd give it a shot. Please don't copy my cosplay and if you do take an idea from it then please give me credit. Vote fairly! Thanks~ :3
  • Date: 09/13/2009
  • Tags: rikku ffx2 final fantasy yuna
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Comments (7 Comments)
  • Grave Dementia - 09/20/2009
  • It's kinda overdone... But that doesn't REALLY matter...
    What DOES matter is that all those extra sparkly items on this ava made it an overkill... @.@
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