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  • Arenas
  • Floating magic
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  • Title: Floating magic
  • Artist: Rupa_La_Pirate
  • Description: Rupa's log, #2

    It's a warm, partly cloudy day, and I am sitting in my usual spot, just outside of Barton town, when I was lucky to notice the same creature from last week! There's not much known about this marvelous, and interesting creature, accept for the fact that it can fly, though it has no real wings. And it also happens to like tea. which is why I have put mine in a bottle this time. and another thing. is it possibly playing with me? I feel like I'm the one being watched. Anyway! Back
  • Date: 05/04/2008
  • Tags: gold blueandwhite stripedstockings neutralpunkstartertop neckruffle
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