• Vampires Lovr's Gallery
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  • Artist Info: Hello smile I'd rather not say my name for I know you not. I love reading (it is my everything, yes, it might sound a bit boring wink , its not)and enjoy fiction most of all. Music of course, is important and plays a major part in my life. But I would say my friends are everything to me. I love them, so I guess what I'd say was, If you mess with them, you'll mess with me. I don't think that would be a pleasant experience for you. If I have a reason to dislike you, I dislike you. Nothing to that. I'm not uptight, I get goofy once you get to know me whee <br />
    But if you are racist, in any way, shape, or form, get your digital ass out of here, because I will not stand for it.<br />
    The Vampire Academy Series is my favorite, as of now, but please, just because I have a fondness for vampires, do not come here expecting me to go "OOHHH Twilight!! Go Team Edward!!" because I will not. Stephenie Meyer disappointed me with sparkly vampires. I will admit that I've read her books, and they are enjoyable to a point. but please, again I must stress, I Am NOT a Twilight Crazy<br />
    The world is an interesting place and I'd love to travel to see new places. <br />
    <br />
    Feel free to comment or message me if you want to know more, or just to say hi, I love meeting new people<br />
    <br />
    One of my Favorite Quotes:<br />
    "Karma is like my teeth: It comes up behind you and bites you in the ass!"<br />
    Too often we lose sight of life’s simple pleasures. Remember when someone annoys you, it takes 42 muscles in your face to frown, BUT, it only takes 4 muscles to extend your arm and bitch slap that mother@#?!&!<br />
    . . . pass it on. . .
    <br />
    dead men, dead men<br />
    swinging in a tree<br />
    how many dead men<br />
    do you see<br />
    tongue turned blue<br />
    and face gone grey<br />
    watch them as they<br />
    twist and sway<br />
    dead men, dead men<br />
    swinging in a tree<br />
    how many dead men<br />
    do you see<br />
    six feet long<br />
    and six men wide<br />
    round their necks<br />
    the noose be tied <br />
    <br />
    <br />
    Month one: <br />
    Mommy <br />
    I am only 8 inches long <br />
    but I have all my organs. <br />
    I love the sound of your voice. <br />
    Every time I hear it <br />
    I wave my arms and legs. <br />
    The sound of your heart beat <br />
    is my favorite lullaby. <br />
    Month Two: <br />
    Mommy <br />
    today I learned how to suck my thumb. <br />
    If you could see me <br />
    you could definitely tell that I am a baby. <br />
    I'm not big enough to survive outside my home though. <br />
    It is so nice and warm in here. <br />
    Month Three: <br />
    You know what Mommy <br />
    I'm a girl!! <br />
    I hope that makes you happy. <br />
    I always want you to be happy. <br />
    I don't like it when you cry. <br />
    You sound so sad. <br />
    It makes me sad too <br />
    and I cry with you even though <br />
    you can't hear me. <br />
    Month Four: <br />
    Mommy <br />
    my hair is starting to grow. <br />
    It is very short and fine <br />
    but I will have a lot of it. <br />
    I spend a lot of my time exercising. <br />
    I can turn my head and curl my fingers and toes <br />
    and stretch my arms and legs. <br />
    I am becoming quite good at it too. <br />
    Month Five: <br />
    You went to the doctor today. <br />
    Mommy, he lied to you. <br />
    He said that I'm not a baby. <br />
    I am a baby Mommy, your baby. <br />
    I think and feel. <br />
    Mommy, what's abortion? <br />
    Month Six: <br />
    I can hear that doctor again. <br />
    I don't like him. <br />
    He seems cold and heartless. <br />
    Something is intruding my home. <br />
    The doctor called it a needle. <br />
    Mommy what is it? It burns! <br />
    Please make him stop! <br />
    I can't get away from it! <br />
    Mommy! HELP me! <br />
    Month Seven: <br />
    Mommy <br />
    I am okay. <br />
    I am in Jesus's arms. <br />
    He is holding me. <br />
    He told me about abortion. <br />
    Why didn't you want me Mommy? <br />
    Every Abortion Is Just . . . <br />
    One more heart that was stopped. <br />
    Two more eyes that will never see. <br />
    Two more hands that will never touch. <br />
    Two more legs that will never run. <br />
    One more mouth that will never speak. <br />
    <br />
    If you're against abortion, re-post this... i got teary eyed hearing this story. <br />
    <br />
    (hey, i may not believe in god, but im against abortion)<br />
    <br />
    <br />
    A White man once said,''Colored people are not allowed here.'' <br />
    The hispanic man turned around and stood up. <br />
    He then said: <br />
    ''Listen sir... when I was born I was BROWN' <br />
    ''When I grew up I was BROWN,'' <br />
    ''When im sick i'm BROWN'', <br />
    ''When i go in the sun im BROWN'', <br />
    ''When i'm cold i'm BROWN'', <br />
    ''When I die i'll be BROWN'', <br />
    ''But you sir.'' <br />
    ''When you're born you're PINK'', <br />
    ''When you grow up you're WHITE'', <br />
    ''When you're sick you're GREEN'', <br />
    ''When you go in the sun you turn RED'', <br />
    ''When you're cold you turn BLUE'', <br />
    ''And when you die you turn PURPLE'', <br />
    ''And you have the nerve to call me colored?' <br />
    The man then sat back down and the white man walked away. <br />
    Put this on your page if you HATE racism. . . . <br />
    <br />
    <br />
    <br />
    |...........| <br />
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    |.......O.| <br />
    |...........| <br />
    |...........| <br />
    <br />
    Put this on your <br />
    profile if you have <br />
    ever pushed a <br />
    door that said pull <br />
    <br />
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