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  • Artist Info: Hi there. My name is Jennifer, you can call me Jen, Jenny, Jinnie, or Jennufer or blah blah blah, you get it. But remember, do not call me Jen Jen or else i'll beat you with a shaved poodle. >:'O<br />
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    My location is on your screen duh. (Get me out) ; w ;<br />
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    My age erm.. I don't like to talk about it. But i'm not a kid. Kids are like 10 and below. cool <br />
    For the record I don't like kids. D: Little immature objects. >.> <.<<br />
    And I always get the blame! D:<<br />
    <br />
    I'm half Chinese and American. Oh yeah you better believe that. cool <br />
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    I love Sponge bob. And if your against that, f**k you. </3<br />
    But for some reason, I was always afraid of Barney...even now. o.o<br />
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    I can be hyper, kind and sweet, mature, immature, rude, random, and bitchy. But that's only if you get on my bad side. </3 Trust me, you don't. That includes messing with my friends. <br />
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    I live in China right now because of my dads friggen job, but I will move back to America in 2 more years. ; - ;<br />
    <br />
    But I do not like copy cats. (People who copy my outfit) <br />
    People who use Inpr0p3r grammar. I dun hate it but it's annoying. x.x<br />
    And beggers, they will be added on the ignore list immediatly. <br />
    I'm watching you. >.> <.< <br />
    Sorry if I scared you. ;D<br />
    <br />
    Pm or comment me sometime and maybe we can get to know each other. ;DDD<br />
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    *I Do donate, but you must give me a good reason. Remember to catch me in a good mood or else you'll turn me into a monster. D:<<br />
    <br />
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~<br />
    ~Err, I have another dream avi. DDD:<br />
    I decided to make a random avi. o:<br />
    User Image<br />
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    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~<br />
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    Help me out? Donators are loved! <33<br />
    <br />
    Thank you...<br />
    <br />
    Miss icicle = Magical Girl, Grace of Aprodite, Demon bow, 6k ;o;<br />
    Darkhand27= Fosto's bottle 1st gen >0> <br />
    An anomous benafactor= From many people. >w><br />
    x-iiCRAZYCHiCK =10k,Coconut bra o3o<br />
    MR BILLIONAIR= 11k >;3<br />
    iiLuffly= 350k O__O<br />
    ANT-TOE-KNEE-OH= Grunny. <3<br />
    newly mines= 2.5k ^^<br />
    iiLonley=2k 8D<br />
    xXvampire_friendxX= Fox tail and ears, 30k <333<br />
    I Molest Cows= 20k <33<br />
    <br />
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