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About Dixie:<br />
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Dixie is a crafter of sandwiches, an enjoyer of fine games, and cultured in many languages of this Earth. drenches himself in failsauce, and is an atheist. He currently hails in Denmark.<br />
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PS: He <3's his Synria.<br />
PPS: Synria forced him to put that there<br />
PPPS: He really does <3 her though<br />
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"Courtesy of Synria Frahy, Dixieboy takes no responsibility for anything said in this section, the above does not express any opinions held by Dixieboy or his family, all complaints will be ignored"<br />
_______________________________________________________________<br />
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*blows dust away*<br />
Whoo, I've had this closed for almost a year.<br />
Mostly because i didn't want people in here...<br />
I dunno why.<br />
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Anyway, I'm a 16 year old dork who spends way too much time in front of a monitor.<br />
Curiously enough this has failed to give me any 1337 skillz, as i had hoped when i began... (Truly i do not know my lolcats from my roflcopters) No matter i still reap some enjoyment from it.<br />
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I'm the creepy dude at the Anime con who is a little too eager to go around and sample the free hugs he can find. Actually I'm horribly shy and people normally have to drag me, kicking and screaming, from my position in the darkest corner farthest away from everyone else.<br />
If you see me outside my room (Which you won't) I'll either have my nose buried in a book, or be in a heated debate with a fellow nerd about which of the chaos gods kicks more ass, (It's Tzeentch) or which comic book hero is coolest. (It's Deadpool)<br />
This will happen as strange tunes in foreign languages flow from the headset of my mp3 player.<br />
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Hmmm, what else?<br />
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My name! A lot of people assume my name is taken from some stupid American band, gas station or state.<br />
This is a conspiracy to undermine my credibility and somehow take over the world!<br />
My name is in fact my own creation.<br />
When i was 5: (I think, it's all a bit hazy) Me and a couple of dudes were playing superheroes, and due to my fail i didn't actually know any, and everyone else was playing these cool superheroes with such awesome powers.<br />
My reaction was off course to make one up.<br />
Dixieboy was born!<br />
With the awesome power of "Whatever i can think off at the moment"!<br />
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Feel free to ask about anything else - Avg. rating:
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