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  • Artist Info:
    Kendrick. Xavior Dawson<br />
    <br />
    x. Bio .x<br />
    Sixteen, born and raised in Washington.<br />
    Currently, I'm walking on a path of self observation. I'm not the most proud person, but I'm not the most pathetic. I have a girlfriend by the name of Sarah Marie and she's pretty much my heart. I'm not all too sure about what's going to happen to me in the future, but I'm trying to prepare a solid foundation. And though I'm not the perfect example on morality, I try to do the right thing and I veer away from any narcotics or alcohol of any type. I have an aspiration to become a computer software developer when it comes the time.<br />
    Otherwise, I'm a pretty laid back person.<br />
    <br />
    MFCL to every Juggalotus out there.
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