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hey i cant believe your reading this >.> most people dont, you wont regret making the desision (if you do then too bad)! <br />
<br />
my name is cecilia, if you call me that.... well just dont k or i will eat you >.> insted call me ceci <br />
i love music, water, drawing, writing, and office supplies <br />
<br />
Eventually...<br />
-i want to play the violin at a wedding <br />
-become an architect<br />
-finish the books im writing and publish them<br />
-have a pet dinosarrrrr ;D<br />
-fill my I-pod with gud muzik<br />
-get married<br />
-sky dive<br />
-eat the apple in my kitchen P:<br />
- be in a history book<br />
<br />
Junk about meeeee (i wouldnt mind if you stopped reading nao)<br />
-i have curly blonde hair, not like supper ugly curlz lyk anne <br />
from that move ive never seen<br />
-im 5ft 5in<br />
-i ploy video games like halo ,gears of war, call of duty ect.<br />
-mai bestfriends are bethany, Tay, Joey, candice, courtney, patches, carson, jackson,sammy(who just moved back to the US) <br />
-the day of my birth is 10/8/95 OwO<br />
Currently im...<br />
-bored<br />
-on the computure<br />
-drawing<br />
-eatting an apple (yes the one in my kitchen)<br />
-breathing @_@<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
yay paragraph timeee so you get to bore yourself reading about pathetic little me, yay hmm where tooo start....well i like the colors black,green, blue, and white (even though black and white arn't colors)im a band geek laugh if you want to ill find you...i know how to play trumpet,violin,steel drum,guitar,bartone and im still learning more about the guitar im gona be the next slash (if you dont know who that is you suck no offence) two things you NEED TO KNOW are: i get bored easily even tough the simplest things intrest me. and uhhhh...im bored. WAIT i can think of more to type give me a moment....*four hours later* uhhh oh yah i guess ill explain my family.....ahem....i have a sycopath for a brother my mom is funny but can be creepy actually she IS creepy and my dad is a dad, a football loving person that looks weird in a tie. im trying to waist your time as much as i can by typing alot and its hard i have a boring life -_- ooo i got an idea ill tell you a story (muahahhah) sooo one day i woak up and my parents were off at work and i didnt have school because it was winter break and my brother was going to his friends house. so when he left, my dog staired at me like she was waiting for me to do something weird like break out in song......and i did REALY LOUD it was fun and the rest of the day i drew and went to my friends house....how fun -_-<br />
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Comments (2 Comments)
- Prinzessen Kira - 10/21/2009
- Thank you for the fav!
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- Hillary Ur Angel - 10/19/2009
- Thx for the fave ^^
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